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Topic: Print in a bigger size of paper (Read 2319 times) previous topic - next topic

Print in a bigger size of paper

What is needed to print a score in a bigger size of paper?

Re: Print in a bigger size of paper

Reply #1
<tongue-in-cheek>A bigger printer!</tongue-out-of-cheek>
Seriously, though, that should be all you need. The Printer Setup dialogue will display the sizes of paper supported by your printer. My laser printer only displays up to A4, but if I switch to the inkjet, I get A3 and A2 (although I've never tried using them).


Re: Print in a bigger size of paper

Reply #2
To print a score on a bigger size of paper, such as 11" x 17" ledger size, I fold the paper down the middle and put it through printer four times (but ya gotta do it in the right order...).  Then I staple in the middle (if more than four pages) and it looks like a "real" score.


Re: Print in a bigger size of paper

Reply #3
Please forgive my english mistakes, I don't write it very well. I've tried to paste the file in other programas such as Corel Drwaw, Power Point and Word, but staves apear incomplete. I don't have a printer that give me the choise to make a print in a paper as bigger as I need. I will try to go to a place that uses a Plotter, and pay for the copies.
My last chance is to use a photo copy ampliation. I don't know what else.