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Topic: groupings other than triplets (Read 7399 times) previous topic - next topic

groupings other than triplets

Is there a way to produce groupings other than triplets in NWC? For example, I need to bracket 7- 16th notes as one beat, and have NWC accept this.

Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #1
NWC only allows grouping of triplets. Other groupings are not currently supported.

Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #2
You can group them as far as barring, but you can't associate them to a number. If they are 16th notes, then 7 of them will occupy the real-time space of 7 16th notes, or 1 3/4 beats. If you have another stave in the same music, then the bars lines will not line up because of this. If you print parts, then manually add the 7 above the grouping, and it will look OK.
In fact, you can add text above the grouping to include the "7". You'll have to play with it to get the height right.

Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #3
One (not very good) way around this problem is to divide the beat into two halves and have 4 1/32 notes in the first half beat followed by 3 triplet 1/32 notes in the second half beat - or vice versa. I'm not used to the half, quarter etc terminology having been brought up on good old british minims, crotchets and quavers (not to mention pounds shilling and pence; stones, pounds and ounces; miles, furlongs and chains etc.) so I may have got the note lengths wrong. Anyway, I hope you get the idea. It sounds OK in some circumstances and is playable.

I think that implementation of n-tuplets ought to go top of the list for addiing to version 1.5+.

Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #4
Yes, yes, yes!!!

I have on score I am itching to enter which has groupings of
4, 5, 6 and 7. Another has 2 (duplets?)

Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #5
Duplets in triple or six time can be emulated by using dotted notes.
Not exactly what we want, but actually very logical, and not too hard to read.


Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #6
That's what I've done, I'm just unhappy--no, to strong--slightly bothered, that I can't replicate the original score.
I really do love NWC, I just want it to be perfect.

Cyril N. Alberga


Re: groupings other than triplets

Reply #7
Most of the sollutions that have been presented so far have dealt with writting a score. If you wish to get NWC to play these brackets then you will have to play with he tempo and time signiture. It takes a little math but it is possible.