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Topic: How do I reset my seen map (Read 6969 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I reset my seen map

In the changeover to this new style forum, my web browser
has lost track of what forum entries I've already read. Is
there any way I can set them all to "seen"?

Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #1
There is no facility in a web based forum to filter messages in a manner such as you describe.

However, most browsers keep a cache of web pages that you have previously viewed. In thisa case, the browser may show these previously cached pages in a different link color. However, the pages in this new forum are just that: NEW. The files from our previous forum no longer exist. Your browser will not have any cached versions of files in this new forum, as they did not exist until today.

Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #2
And how will I be able to keep track of new replies?
They used to come up in a different colour before.

Also, what about hlinks in my text, like ??? I guess
I'll find out once I've posted this reply... :-)


Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #3
Hmmm. Two steps forward and one backwards. It seems we've lost:
1) the ability to monitor new replies in a thread, (see below)
2) the ability to insert hyperlinks into our pages (okay, so not many of us did that anyway :-)

But we've gained:
1) better control over formatting,
2) the ability to download a whole thread in one file,
3) more consistent interface to email addressing

Okay. I just read the instructions (forumfaq.htm)!!! Apparently I'll be notified of new replies to a thread! That should be fun! C'mon! Can someone reply to this to see how it works?


Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #4
Only the original author of a post will be notified when replies are offered. This also is not working completely at the moment, as far as I can tell.

Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #5
The email mechanism should now be working properly. The original message author should receive a notification of new replies as they arrive.

Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #6
Yikes, it's worse than I thought!

Although I did get a mail message informing me that there
was a reply, I found I had to refresh the contents page
in order to see the change in reply count (never had to do
that before). I also found that I had to refresh the message
page as well to see replies. That means it's now impossible
to detect new postings. Added to the lack of a "read next new
posting" button, it really makes the forum unuseable.
What is the "intended" mode of use? I used to read all
new postings in the old forum daily. Can't do it any more.

Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #7
I must agree. This system begs for some (cookie based?) mechanism to keep track of new messages.


Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #8
I've tried this new system for the last month and I'm afraid
it just doesn't work for me. I like to be able to keep up
without having to reread or manually track what I've already
From today I will stop reading the forum on a regular basis.
I'll probably visit from time to time if I have a specific
question. It's a dissapointment, but I guess that's "progress"


Re: How do I reset my seen map

Reply #9
Unfortunately, there is not much point in replying to a
message this far down in the forum. The originator will get
a mail message, no one else will notice. Suggestions:

1) Some way to access messages chronologically, so we can
look at the recent ones.

2) The e-mail notification for the originator is good. How
about notifying everybody who participated in the thread?
You get a better response starting a new thread than responding
to an old one, which spreads out information and makes it
harder to find. For example, there are many threads about
grace notes - it would be better if there was only one.

Hope somebody finds this. I will post these ideas to the wish list.