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Topic: Decrease space between notes (Read 4960 times) previous topic - next topic

Decrease space between notes

How do I do this?Everything I found on FAQ is all about INCREASE space between notes.....(Extra note spacing..etc)
Thanks in advance.

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #1
Also,How to import a .mid file???Thanks.

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #3
It would be a bit easier if you had quoted a couple of bars (instead of just part) of the original so that we could see where the bar line goes, but it does seem that the original right hand is actually not in semiquavers (as you have notated it in your first exampe), but in quavers (with a rather thick beam!). If you notate it like this, it means that the left hand semiquaver notes and rests would be in exactly the right place horizontally.

Hope this helps

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #4
For right hand part,I just added 4 16th notes and beam them together......So how do I make it semiquavers????

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #5
Here is better example picture:
as you can see,in lower picture part 8 notes is per bar,but in the piece i wanna make it 16 notes per bar.I hope I can get left hand notes aligned to right hand ones......

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #6
Ok, I think the problem seems to be that you have halved the values of the top notes - i.e. you now have 16th notes. This means that to have the same "pattern" as in the original example, you should also have halved ALL the values of the NOTES and RESTS in the Left hand as well.

So in order to imitate the rhythm of the printed example, your left hand rhythm should consist of (original 2 bars now 1 bar in your piece):

16th note, 16th note, 32nd rest, 32nd note, 16th rest, 32nd rest, 32nd note, 16th rest, 16th note, 16th rest, 16th rest, 16th note, 32nd rest, 32nd note, 16th rest, 32nd rest, 32nd note, 16th rest, 16th note, 16th rest.

Sheesh - I hope they are all there! - I'm not used to describing notes by "number" values!

I am assuming that you are wanting exactly the rhythmic pattern except half the note value?

Does this make sense?

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #7
Two things:

  • As Ann points out, your first staff uses 16th notes where your sample score uses 8th notes. Correcting this will make the notation line up.

  • As for note spacing, your primary control is globally per score using the option "Increase note spacing for larger durations" in File | Page Setup. Turn this off when you want to reduce space between notes.

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #8
The problem with "Increase note spacing for larger durations" is that when it's off, a half note takes up the same amount of space as an eighth note, which doesn't look so hot.  When it's on, the whole notes take up too much space.  I would love to be able to have it turned on for parts of the staff, and turned off for other parts.
Global control...harumph!

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #9
I've had a problem in a similar situation when I had a lot of whole notes that were too far apart.  What I ended up doing was turning off the "Increase note spacing for larger durations" option and then add spaces where I needed to with the nworn font which you can find at  There are three different sizes of spaces which can be used together as you need them.  It can be tedious, but it works, and it looks pretty good.

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #10
I think Imanewbie's original problem was not so much generally needing extra spacing, but that he wanted the notes in both hands to line up vertically as they were in the original. His problem arose because he had halved the note values in the RH but had not halved _all_ the values in the LH - so in this case, not a noteworthy program problem - although I might be way off track here.

Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #11
Many thanks to everyone especially Ann.
I get it now,in original part it was 8th notes,and I have to go like this:
Just half everything,Right?????
They look soo much better after I did that.....


Re: Decrease space between notes

Reply #13
As I recall, the newest version of Noteworthy (1.75.9) allows you to do this.  Simply select the two notes, you'll have highlighted the rest in-between, too, which is fine, then beam as normal.
