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Topic: a few questions please (Read 4694 times) previous topic - next topic

a few questions please

Is there a quick way to convert bass clef music into treble clef?

I was also wondering if you can add more words, like two lines for the title, and a few more for where the artist is listed and the copyright info at the bottom.

One more thing. How do I change the slur direction for it to be pointing upwards and on the top of the notes instead of the bottom?

Thanks in advance.

Re: a few questions please

Reply #1
For your first question: select all the notes by positioning the cursor at the start of the line a pressing Shift+End. Then hold down Ctrl+Shift and press the down arrow (on your keyboard) five times. Finally, Change the clef by selecting it, press Alt+Enter and choosing treble clef.

For your second question: Press the scripted i on the toolbar. This gives you room for 1 line for the title, 1 line for the author, and 2 lines for the copyright. At present, that's the best you can do. Post-precession can aid in that area, however. By placing the WMF's from the print preview's copy button into your word processor, you can add snazzy text effects and even adjust placement of some things.

For your third question: Select the notes is question, and hit Alt+Enter. In the notes tab, you should see slur direction. Choose Upward.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: a few questions please

Reply #2
Thanks. I'm still having a few problems though.

First, what do you mean by word processor? And would this help get more lines, or is it only for text effects and placement? So I can't get more than one line for the title and Artist? Because I downloaded a NWC file from the Scriptorium, and it had two lines for the title, and I was wondering how to do that.

And about the slurs, the thing is, of the slurred notes, the first one's stem is pointed upwards and the second is pointed downwards, and I wanted the slur to be on the top, extending from the head of the first note to the head of the other. NWC puts the slur extending from the top of the stem of the first note to the head of the second, and it looks really weird. I realize I could just change the stem direction so they're both the same, but one is really high on the staff and the other low on the staff. It would also look weird for the really high one's stem to be pointing upwards or the low one's stem to be pointing down. Is there a way to do it going from head to head? Sorry I wasn't being clear before.

Re: a few questions please

Reply #3
For slur or tie direction, highlight the first note of the slur. Press Alt Enter to access note properties where you can select the slur direction.
Carl Bangs
Fenwick Parva Press
Registered user since 1995

Re: a few questions please

Reply #4
Yes, but it places it all the way at the top/bottom, instead of going from head to head. Is this possible, or does NWC not have that capability?

Re: a few questions please

Reply #5
No, slurs cannot be changed (except for direction) at this time. One thing you can do to help NoteWorthy Software determine what features are needed/ wanted in future releases, is to put your needs onto their Wish List. Many of the features we now take for granted were once Wishes from users.

Re: a few questions please

Reply #6
For more than one line for the title and artist, you can always add additional lines as text items.  In Page Preview, check to see which measure is the last one on the first line/system.  Go to the end of the measure, and add the info you need (as a text item), justify right, align at next note or barline.  For the title, find the middle of the line/system, and the process is similar from there.
But I do wish that it were set in the info dialogue to accommodate such a need.

And BOY, am I with you on that slur thing!


Re: a few questions please

Reply #7
Thanks, I didn't even think of adding the info as a text item.

And I'll definately add that thing about the slurs on the wish list.