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Topic: Repeat Previous Measure (Read 4458 times) previous topic - next topic

Repeat Previous Measure

I would like to indicate that previous measures are repeated by simply using diaginal lines and piano/guitar chord symbols in subsequent measures. Is this possible in NWC???

Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #1
Hi to all...I have the same problem and have been searching for the answer for some time now with no success. I'd be happy leaving measures empty and writing in the repeat symbol by hand, but it seems NWC won't show "empty" measures on the printed score. Has anyone else encountered and resolved this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #2
You can create an empty measure by putting in a whole rest, and hiding it (visibility = never). You can then add a repeat symbol using a User Font such as "Boxmarks" available from the Scriptorium. Place it just before the (hidden) whole rest, and set alignment "at next note/bar", justification "center".

Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #3
PS - you can even fill in the bar with what is actually played, and simply select everything, edit (CNTL-E or ALT-Enter) and set the visibility for the whole works to "never". Then add your repeat symbol near the middle of the bar. It will then play normally, and show only the repeat symbol during printout or print preview.

Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #4
You'll have to watch out, though.  Using visibility = never causes the measure to "squish" som'thin' fierce.  You'll have to pad out the measure with something, such as a nbsp or a regular space added as text with Preserve Width checked.

Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #5
You can add   by typing Alt + 0160 (numpad).



Re: Repeat Previous Measure

Reply #7
Non Breaking Space.

Hope That Helps :)