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Topic: newsgroup (Read 3661 times) previous topic - next topic


How can I access this newsgroup that's highlighed at the top
of the forum screen? Each time I click on it I get a message box saying "Invalid Newsgroup" followed by the AOL
newsgroups screen.

Re: newsgroup

Reply #1
I just checked, and interestingly, the only contributors to the newsgroup from are Noteworthy Support!
I suggest you send an email to and ask them how they do it.
Eric, if you read this, could you respond to the forum please?



Re: newsgroup

Reply #2
AOL does not directly support private NNTP newsgroups. However, if you are using the Windows 95 (32-bit) version of AOL, you can access the web, and our NNTP newsgroup, using a web browser suite external to the AOL interface, but while connected to AOL. For example, if you have the Internet Explorer Suite installed on your system, you can:

- Connect to AOL using the AOL 3.0 for Win 95 program
- Start Internet Explorer (double-click "The Internet" on your desktop)
- Goto this forum
- Click the newsgroup link

If you have the Microsoft Internet News installed on your system (it comes with the Internet Explorer 3.0 suite), then it will open and connect to our newsgroup.