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Topic: Keyboard Entry (Read 6303 times) previous topic - next topic

Keyboard Entry

I have a Yamaha CS1x keyboard with a Midiman 2x2 interface. Noteworthy does not play or record when I set Midiman as the output device. I have checked all the connections several times, and the configuration in Noteworthy. I am stuck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Charles Givre

Re: Keyboard Entry

Reply #1
Hi Charles:

I am not sure of the cause of your problem. My advice would be to concentrate on playback first, then try to get recording working. Are you using Windows 3.1 or Windows 95? What device drivers are listed in the "available devices" box in the NWC MIDI tab of Options? Are you using both a sound card and a separate MIDI card? If so, there may be IRQ conflicts between the two. In general, I suggest trying one device at a time in the NWC "Devices used by playback" list, and see if you can get one of them to play back to your external keyboard. I can confirm that, when set up properly, NWC willl happily send and recive MIDI events to an external device. May users are now taking advantage of this. The trick is to get your system configured properly.

I hope this helps.


Re: Keyboard Entry

Reply #2

>>>I have a Yamaha CS1x keyboard with a Midiman 2x2 interface. Noteworthy does not play or record when I set Midiman as the output device. <<< Does anything else play back on your midi keyboard? (eg MPLAYER). Check in "Common Questions" (two up from Forum in the menu on the left) for the question "How do I get my songs to play back?" Most times, things won't play back in Noteworthy because they won't play back ANY midi at all.

>>>I have checked all the connections several times, and the configuration in Noteworthy. <<< Testing with another player will confirm whether your connections and system config are okay. If so, check the MIDI tab in Noteworthy's Tools | Options dialog. The devices used in play back are in the RIGHT column.

Are you using MIDI Mapper, or the direct midi output? If you are using midi mapper, make sure that it is configured properly via the control panel. This should have shown up above, though.

If that works, then maybe the song you are playing has different port settings for the instruments. These are found in the MIDI tab in Staff Properties (assuming your using the latest version of NWC, otherwise "edit" the staff from the Score Builder).

If you get all that working for playback, and recording still doesn't work, in Tools | Options, make sure that port usage is always on, so that NWC will read from the MIDI In port all the time.

Hope this makes sense. If not, read it a couple of times. If it still doesn't, e-mail me.



PC Users Group Canberra - Users Helping Users


Re: Keyboard Entry

Reply #3
What do I need to hook up a MIDI keyboard to my IBM
Thinkpad 360 laptop. I don't have a sound card and
therefore don't have a MIDI interface. I can buy a sound
card via PCMCIA slot but they don't have a MIDI connector/cable/interface. Please help.