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Topic: Line break in SCREEN VIEW? (Read 2637 times) previous topic - next topic

Line break in SCREEN VIEW?

Hi there!
I´m a new member of a chorus and would like to use nwc to put the songs into my pc and play them to quicker learn the songs . It is in fact a good way to get some extra training, and the problem is quiter simple. I just want to have the bass voice, so there is no complicated multi-staff layout. But I miss a feature when putting in the notes and when playing the songs, and that is an overview over more than one line of text. THe text and notes that go beyond the screen width can only be accessed by horizontal scrolling, which in some cases is quite annoying. Is there ANY way to put in line break which will shown ON SCREEN? I know that there are several ways to organize the staffs when printing, but is there a possibility to do this for the screen view? I hope there is, and that I didnt find it because I´m an absolute newbie in CAC (computer aided composing) ;-) and, admittedly, maybe in music in general, and not a native speaker, so I don´t know even which key words to look for in online help. Hope YOU are going to understand me...
Thanks for your help

Re: Line break in SCREEN VIEW?

Reply #1
Try Print Preview. You can zoom in and out with mouse clicks, but of course you can't edit in this mode.

Re: Line break in SCREEN VIEW?

Reply #2
Peter Edwards, I think Peter wanted a way to play the score and watch it scroll vertically rather than horizontally. Sorry, there is no way to do this in NoteWorthy Composer. Many people are glad of this fact because they say that note entering gets slower and slower with that kind of view. To make things look a little better, you can chase the score with the scroll bar so that there is no big jump at the end of the line.

P.S. Don't worry if you have trouble with English. There are many people here that are bilingual. We have Spanish, French, and Turkish speakers. If you get stuck in English, tell us your language and maybe one of them will respond.


Re: Line break in SCREEN VIEW?

Reply #3
I use NWC for exactly the purpose described.

As was written above, the NWC music editor does not break staffs. The print preview does not play music.

But it is possible to save the music as a MIDI file, then play the MIDI using whichever program you ordinarily use (Windows Media Player, etc.). At the same time, you can look at the music in NWC print preview.

This does not "chase" notes as they are played, but I personally have not found that to be important.