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Topic: Another MIDI interface question (Read 2636 times) previous topic - next topic

Another MIDI interface question

If anyone knows (by experience) about connecting an IEEE 1394 port to MIDI, please let me (and other users) know. My new laptop has that port, but not a joystick port. Although I have an old parallel-port adapter, the driver doesn't like XP (where have we heard that before!).

Re: Another MIDI interface question

Reply #1
I assume that any solution you try will cost you money. Since this is the case, I would recommend going with a newer port technology, where longer term driver support is more likely. Almost all new machines include USB ports. This would be a better interface to utilize for MIDI on newer machines, since it is likely to be supported better. I have seen USB MIDI Interfaces for about $70 US.

There are parallel port MIDI interfaces, if you really want to go this route. An example is the MIDIMAN Portman series.


Re: Another MIDI interface question

Reply #3
Thanks. Silly me! My laptop certainly has USB ports (four of them, and I do use them for other things). But it didn't occur to me that there would be MIDI adapters for USB. Sure, around $70 sounds right.

Why didn't I think that MIDI would go through the USB ports? Well, you see, MIDI is round. USB is flat. I would hate to squash the music.