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Topic: Tempo change (Read 2976 times) previous topic - next topic

Tempo change

My I know if I already insert the tempo, let say 90 bpm.  How to change it?

Re: Tempo change

Reply #1
1. Assuming you have entered crotchet (1/4 note) = 90 and would rather have had crotchet = 138 say:  select the "handle" for the tempo marking - the little grey dot - and press CNTRL/E or double click.  (These little handle chaps can be tricky to spot - try increasing the zoom level).  This will open the tempo marking dialogue box and you can change the bpm as you desire.

2.  Assuming you hve entered crotchet = 90 and want the music to go faster later in the piece: just enter another tempo marking where you want the speed change.  If you want a gradual speed change insert an accelerando or rallentando (insert tempo variance) where you want the change to start and the target tempo marking where you want it to finish.



Re: Tempo change

Reply #2
Or if you want to change the whole piece, just delete the tempo marking you have and pick a new one - shortcut key is e.

Re: Tempo change

Reply #3
I can't get multiple tempos to work...
I've got a song where I need to change from a quarter note = 68 to a dotted half = 68, and the program keeps putting the dotted half's tempo through the whole song.  How can I get the program to separate the two sections into two tempos?


Re: Tempo change

Reply #4
Tempo items affects all after where it is placed. Check your tempo values!
Hint: use always the same staff to enter tempo items. It's easier to check later.
To find every tempo item, search for it with the search string:
on each staff. (F3 to go to next, when the Find window is closed, or to open it the first time)