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Topic: Fine problems (Read 4375 times) previous topic - next topic

Fine problems

I have a multi-stave piece that I'm trying to play back.
It's got a DS al Fine at the end the DS at measure 2, and
the Fine in about the middle. The problem? The piece stops
playing when the Fine is reached the first time.

I've looked at the examples, and they play fine. I made
sure all of my staves had all of the flow direction markings.
What else should I check?



Re: Fine problems

Reply #1

I suspect that what you have done is to put a D.S. Segno mark at bar two and not the Segno mark (There should not be the letters D.S. in front of the mark) . If this is what you have done, then replace this with just the segno mark (It is near the top of the drop down list from insert flow variance menu , not near the bottom of the list. All should then be OK.

If this is not what you have done, then post a message back here .

Re: Fine problems

Reply #2
As Richard points out, the common source of error is using the wrong marker at the various places in the Dal Segno redirection. Here are a few tips:

1 - Open the REPEAT4.NWC file in the NWC Samples folder, and press Ctrl+I to get a description of how to construct a Dal Segno redirection.

2 - You can select individual redirections in the samples, then press Ctrl+E to see which setting is used.

3 - The Help button in the Flow Direction dialog also explains each possible setting.


Re: Fine problems

Reply #3
Thanks to both Richard and NWC support, you hit the
segno on the head and my playback is fine now.

