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Topic: forced staff endings (Read 2580 times) previous topic - next topic

forced staff endings

I sometimes use NWC to create sheets of jazz patterns. Sometimes I'll transpose a single pattern in all keys; other times I'll create about a dozen different patterns of varying length. In either case, I'd like to be able to force a new staff at the end of each pattern. I don't care what kind of bar line each staff concludes with (single, double, etc), just so long as I can control where one staff ends and where the next one begins.


Re: forced staff endings

Reply #1
What you need to do is to go to the barline properties for the measure where you want the line to break (making sure you select the one from the top staff, if you have more than one staff) eg highligt the barline then press Cntl-Enter. Here there is a checkbox called 'Force System Break (top staff only)' Check this box then wehen you look at the print preview, or print the file, there will be a line break where you need it.


Re: forced staff endings

Reply #2
It worked! Thanks, Joy