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Topic: Noteworthy versions (Read 3215 times) previous topic - next topic

Noteworthy versions

how often does nwc send out new versions?

Re: Noteworthy versions

Reply #1
As often as needed =).

Re: Noteworthy versions

Reply #2
Well, I got NWC way back in 1996, and have probably received about twenty free updates by now. So I guess updates come - as Everett says - when needed. Actual "add new capability" upgrades are probably roughly one a year - and still free. I'm not sure what will happen to the "freeness" of upgrades when NWC goes to version 2. However, this is one piece of s/w I'll gladly pay for an upgrade. Once every six years ain't bad!


Re: Noteworthy versions

Reply #3
I am not waiting 6 years for a new version of nwc

Re: Noteworthy versions

Reply #4
It is very likely that you will not have to wait six years.  Andrew's reference to "once every six years" was perhaps a bit misleading.  In the last six years, NWC has gone from 1.0 to 1.75 in about 10 steps.  However, it has not yet gone from Version 1.whatever to Version 2.

See for a summary of the most important added functionality in these upgrades.  Note that this summary does not include things like the 10(?) service packs that were published for v1.70 before they were consolidated into v1.75, many of which also included enhancements as well as bug fixes.  They came so thick and fast that I had trouble keeping up.

The history also does not mention the plug-ins that were developed during this time and which have since been upgraded in line with NWC and had their own functionality enhancements.  And then there is NWP with its own upgrade history.

And the new versions/upgrades have all been free.  I think this is where Andrew's comment comes in.  If you consider the one-off registration fee as a subscription to an upgrade programme then it is quite a bargain even if you are asked to renew your subscription after six years.  As yet there is only the slightest hint that any such "subscription renewal" is on the cards.



Re: Noteworthy versions

Reply #5
Be thankful. Some major commercial providers of business software "upgrade" to major versions, costing big $ just for the upgrade, every two years or so. In many cases, the changes are minor, cosmetic, or offer enhancements that most people can't use.

Any college students out there? Are your textbooks "upgraded" every two years just to kill the used book market? Ever wonder how a subject like Algebra changes much in two years? (Alas, where I live, college students often have to take remedial courses in lower level math.)