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Topic: bank of accompaniments (Read 2290 times) previous topic - next topic

bank of accompaniments

In my Yamaha keyboard, there are preset "banks" of acompaniments, e.g., ballads, jazz, rhumba, etc. complete with percussion instruments. Is there a similar nwc. bank from where I can download the files so that I can copy and paste them to my notation?


Re: bank of accompaniments

Reply #1
No, there isn't such a "patterns" facility built into NWC. Some people use a program called "Band In a Box" which does this, but is rather limited in other ways (i.e. notation). You can export your patterns from BIAB and import into NWC to do further work, or you can create your own patterns (especially ones that you plan on using frequently) and save them as separate files, from which you can copy / paste into your new work.

You also might be able to "record" the patterns from your Yamaha keyboard, but in my experience recording drum tracks from an external drum machine, synchronisation can be a bit challenging since NWC does not have a "synchronize to midi clock" option. That being said, it *is* possible; an example is my song Allergic to Love whose drum track was imported this way from an ancient Korg drum synth.