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Topic: Max 3 staffs? (Read 2354 times) previous topic - next topic

Max 3 staffs?

I have porblems with printing > 3 staffs. In print preview I could see terrible view - notes on the whole piece of paper.
All is good when I have max 3 staffs.
I have version 1.70.
At first I thought that I hav eproblem with printer, system etc., but other programs print OK.

Re: Max 3 staffs?

Reply #2
I *might* be misunderstanding the problem, but try this:

File -- Page Setup -- Options tab

There is a setting that allows you to change the size of the staves (Staff size, in points). I think the default is 40 points, although I usually print my scores about 14 or 16. Try lowering the number and see if your music prints correctly.


Re: Max 3 staffs?

Reply #3
Your sample contains 6 parts, none of which are the same length. The bar lines don't match up, and the count within the bars don't match among the various parts. Please review the samples and the tutorial in the User's Guide to see how a multi-part score should be notated, and the rules that NWC enforces.