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Topic: Andys question 1818 ? (Read 2786 times) previous topic - next topic

Andys question 1818 ?

Andy asked a question in a message numbered 1818, which disappeared after I responded. Fortunately, I copied its message into my web page in order to understand it (he tried to put a lot of &nbsp in it), and the copy is here: .

My responses are:
1) Insert Master Repeat Open/Close barlines.
2) Select notes, then beam them (Ctrl-B).
3) Select notes, then tripletize them (Ctrl-T).

All that can be found in the online help.

I hope this helps, Andy.

Re: Andys question 1818 ?

Reply #1
Oh, I didn't read the first paragraph about "song word". Search "Lyrics" in the online help.

Re: Andys question 1818 ?

Reply #2
The originator/author of message 1818 used an inappropriate/invalid e-mail address, so the thread had to be removed.


Re: Andys question 1818 ?

Reply #4
For late readers of the forum : please note that I won't keep indefinitely the link to the message of andy (andy.html). I you read this thread after december 1st 2000, you may expect that the link won't be available.
