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Topic: Spacing of notes (Read 3893 times) previous topic - next topic

Spacing of notes

I am composing a song, but I can not use note worthy template because I am having trouble controlling the space between notes In the first staff all the notes seem to space evenly, as I progress to the second staff, the note space farther apart. I follow the FAQ section and try the recommended action and it was to take off the check mark on duration on the option tab butit does not work. Any other suggestion??



Re: Spacing of notes

Reply #1
Perhaps you are inserting dynamics, text, and similar objects? If you have the "Preserve Width" box checked, each of these objects will take up space. If this is the case, you can select them, then press CNTL E to edit; click the checkbox off.

Some other things, like MPC indications, will always take up space in the edit window, but will disappear when printing. You can use Print Preview to see how things will actually appear when printed (or when viewed using NoteWorthy Player).

Re: Spacing of notes

Reply #2
If I understand your "as I progress to the second staff" correctly, you may have be expecting NWC to provide WYSIWYG.

When editing, you only see one system (perhaps with multiple staves) on the screen at one time. You can think of this one system extending as far past the right hand end of your screen as necessary. So the second staff down the screen is actually a second part that would play simultaneously with the first staff rather than being a continuation of the first staff. The notes in the second staff will align with those in the first staff that would need to sound at the same time and therefore the spacing will depend on what notes you have already entered in the first staff.

Use of the single system when editing makes life a lot easier than WYSIWYG would as you only need to move left or right to get to the measure you want and presumably saves on the processing time when inserting new notes. The line and page breaks in the score only get dealt with when printing and can be checked using print preview.



Re: Spacing of notes

Reply #3
I think I may have a problem similar to what D. V. Nguyen describes, and I don't think the replies really deal with it. The first file I did had twelve staves. At the beginning of each staff, the spacing of notes was reasonable, but as one progressed to the later measures, the spaces got progressively longer. This happened in all the staves. There were no dynamic signs or other stuff that might have taken up space. The second file just had generally too damn much space after any white note head. I tried to find out what to do about this, and found a lot about how to increase space after a note and nada, zip, zilch, and bugger-all on how to decrease it. It's not a WYSIWYG problem, either; there is too much space after the notes on the print-out must as there is on the monitor.

Re: Spacing of notes

Reply #4
I posted this response to another thread, but it may be relevant here also... I've had some situations where exceptionally long measures (with correspondingly widely spaced notes) are created in a piece when NW decides that only a couple measures can fit on a line. (A piece can start out with four/five measures per line, and then all of a sudden I get two measures on a line due to the specific note content of the measures.) Anyway, I've had good luck with fooling around with the margins. Sometimes setting the left and right margins just slightly larger and smaller can make a big difference in the way the whole piece is layed out. I've gotten around alot of strange measure layout problems this way.


Re: Spacing of notes

Reply #5
Also, try going to page layout, and reducing the staff font size down from the default of 26.