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Topic: Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF (Read 2755 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF

When I print to Adobe Acrobat from NWC 1.70, I get a PDF file that has the staves, note stems and tails and text visible, but the head of every note is missing. I've tried telling it to embed the NWC font, but it makes no difference.

I'm using the Adobe PDF Writer 3.02 and Windows 98SE.

Can anyone suggest a fix?


Re: Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF

Reply #1
I had a similar difficulty when I first tried to get PDF from some applications (including NWC). The problem permanently went away when I did something or other ... but I can't remember what! I believe it has something to do with the PostScript printer that sits behind your PDF technology. It has nothing to do with the NWC program.

Re: Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF

Reply #2
Click Start > Settings > Printers.

Right Click on Acrobat PDF Writer.

Click Properties.

Click Details tab.

Click Setup button (on the lower left of the Details tab.

Click Fonts button.

Click Embed All Fonts, Click OK, and close out all of this.

You should now have the fonts embedded.

Test it be sending a PDF to a friend who DOES NOT HAVE Noteworthy. Ask him if he can see all the notes, etc.

Re: Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF

Reply #3
The PDF Writer is not as robust as the Acrobat Distiller. I discovered errors periodically with the PDF Writer and therefore went exclusively with the Acrobat Distiller. Nary a problem since. See if that helps you as well.


Re: Printing from NoteWorthy Composer 1.70 to PDF

Reply #4
The above responses sound correct, but I haven't had problems with PDFwirter or Distiller, once I ocated the probelm (whatever it was).

Helpful hint: Among the properties of PDFwriter/Distiller is the resolution. The output from NWC is a combination of font objects and drawing objects. The appearance of your finished PDF file will be a bit different depending on whether you choose "screen" resolution of 72 DPI, or printer resolutions of 300 DPI or greater. You might also try having your PDF file open at 100%, rather than fit-to-width, if they are being viewed on-screen.