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Topic: Scriptorium has a new look (Read 3612 times) previous topic - next topic

Scriptorium has a new look

Hi all,

This is to announce the result of a lot of hard work in giving our Scriptorium a "new look" to go along with the new level of professionalism in NWC V1.70.

The new layout was designed by Ramon Pajares Box, <> with the able assistance of Andrew Purdam and grunt-work by yours truly. Rob Dahl graciously allowed us the use of his nifty spinning web-ring logo.

In addition to a greatly improved appearance, there is now more information in the main database listings. Now included for each entry are the name of the file creator, and the piece's running time, in addition to the information previously provided. The use of style sheets and Verdana font makes the result far more compact and easier to navigate than before.

Netscape users: you have to enable style sheets in Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced in order for this to work. IE users: this has been tested in IE, though not by myself; please let us know if there are any glitches. Opera users: you've got it best of all -- for some reason, the presentation is even better looking than it is in Netscape.


Fred, Andrew, Ramon and a cast of thousands...

NWC Scriptorium

Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #1
Houba! Just come back from there, and was impressed.
Wow! I love that "out-of-screen" look, as well as the
And is it just an illusion, or is it even quicker than before?
Anyway, it's simply GREAT!

Now I'll send my files ;-)

Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #2
I most say the same - it simply looks better and plays better now. Especially the "who-wrote-it-and-how-long-is-it" thing directly with the work names is great!

Keep it up!

Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #3
Marsu - yes, it "seems" a lot faster because the database uses tables for each composer, so you get to see what's loaded so far (before, you had to wait for the whole page to load before you saw anything).

Martin - glad you like it. Thank Ramon for insisting on the "who submitted" and "running time" entries.

Come to think of it, the use of tables was his idea too...

btw - Andrew and Matt have managed to get the new Verdana font to appear in the cgi sections ("more" links and search engine), so the look is consistent throughout.

Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #4
Just a question: what is the difference between "enable style sheets" and "disable..." ? I can't see any different look.

Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #5
If you disable style sheets, you will see whatever font style and size you set as default; when enabled, the font style will be Verdana (or similar font if you don't have Verdana on your system) and the size will be as defined in the page. If you don't see a difference, check that your setting in Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts is set for "Use document specified fonts" (this is the default).


Re: Scriptorium has a new look

Reply #6
You are right, now that makes a difference. I tried it, it all became impossible to read because of a too small font ! :-( I reset this option to "use my own font", and now all is OK. Too bad for Verdana.