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Topic: missing notes? (Read 6723 times) previous topic - next topic

missing notes?

i finally got around to downloading 1.70, but after attempting to install it multiple times on my computer, when i try to open a document on it, only the staffs show up. i can play it, but nothing is displayed. what's wrong?

Re: missing notes?

Reply #1
See if the files have hidden notes.

Re: missing notes?

Reply #2
Your colors must be screwed up. Go to Tools | Options | Color while in the editor. Change your color settings such that you can see things.

Re: missing notes?

Reply #3
As I recall, I also saw this symptom after installing one of the 1.70 beta versions. It's rather disconcerting (HELP! I've lost all my notes!), but in my case it went away after I rebooted the PC.

In general, it's a good idea to reboot after installing new software, even if the installation program doesn't do it for you.

Re: missing notes?

Reply #4
During the beta, it was possible to have a conflict between NWC version 1.70 and earlier versions, speicifcally in the editor's color scheme. We made changes for the final beta and ultimately the final release that should totally have eliminated this problem (where a reboot was needed).

In the final 1.70 release, occasionally we have received support requests from users that have their editor setup for white background and white defaults for printing and/or in the editor. These are not NWC defaults, and yet somehow users manage to end up with these settings. The simple solution is to change your color options such that you can see your songs in the editor and when printing.

Re: missing notes?

Reply #5
Thanks for the clarification, but I'm still a little confused. I had already uninstalled all previous versions of NWC when I ran into the problem I described above. How could there have been a conflict between 1.70 and previous versions when the previous versions were gone?


Re: missing notes?

Reply #6
The problem in the earlier betas was directly caused by having run an older version of NWC prior to running the new copy. You may have later uninstalled the older copy, but Windows would still remember the Window styles from the older version for the NWC editor until you reboot the machine.

In the earlier betas, this could be solved by either rebooting or going to Tools | Options | Color in the new version and pressing OK. We removed the need to do either of these in the final beta. We made the internal Window's name for the editor window different from earlier NWC versions, thus avoiding the conflict.