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Topic: Layering in Player (Read 2666 times) previous topic - next topic

Layering in Player

When I open a music that has layered parts in the Player, the player gets confused, I usually use more than a group when layering staves, I use the one marked with Layer w/ next staff and the one to be layered. I really wish that we could also select what to see in the player, because it's difficult to visualise with only two groups separated.
Nw, how did you do to make (saw this in Moonlite) the player to show only one group (or more) ?

Re: Layering in Player

Reply #1
From the Player help file:


NoteWorthy Player will only show the first two viewable staff groups in a NWC score file. The first staff group is identified by the first staff in the score. The player always displays this group. A second, when it exists, is generally displayed in the lower notation window. However, if the second group is named Hidden, then it will not be displayed in the lower notation window. You can also use additional display groups (beyond the first two viewable groups) in your score, but only the first two viewable groups will show up in the viewer. Note that all groups and their parts can be seen if loaded by NoteWorthy Composer itself. Sound effects, tempo changes, or other effects such as chord appregios could be added in these hidden areas, and they would not clutter the view of the score seen by the listener.

Note that the view of your score in the player is similar to a print preview. The listener will not see you hidden items, such multi-point controllers, sound patches, or hidden tempo marks, even if they are present in the viewable staff groups.


Re: Layering in Player

Reply #2
Thanks, but it still doesn't answer why it doesn't layer


Re: Layering in Player

Reply #3
It does display layered staves, showing items as defined in the visibility attribute, if both are in the same group, and if the name of that group is not "Hidden".