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Topic: NWC files on GeoCities web sites (Read 10685 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Is there any way to post an NWC file on a GeoCities web site so that it can be downloaded? All I can think of is to change the extension to .MID, but this is not convenient for the person trying to download. I have asked them to allow NWC files. Maybe if we pester them enough?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #1
You should be able to simply upload it with the existing extension. Since there
will (probably) not be an association set up for the *.nwc files on the client's
computer, he'll get a dialog box prompting him to save the file. If he does have
an association to Noteworthy Composer, the association might try to bring up NWC
to read the file (perhaps unwantedly). In this case, instruct your potential
downloaders to hold shift while clicking on the link (Netscape) or whatever the
equivalent action would be in IE.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #2
The problem is they won't let me load the file onto their site with the NWC extension.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #3
Not even if you use CuteFTP?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #4
Not even when I use FTP Explorer. I now make ZIP files and post those.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #5
You are right. I am now using zip files, and the web site accepts them. What I want is for the user to click on the NWC file name and have NWC (or player) automatically start, just like it works for .mid files. It might encourage more use of Noteworthy by new people.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #6
I can download from some sites with no trouble, but others
simply won't go. "Cyberhymnal" @ is one of
the "no way" sites. I played around with several options,
including the "shift-click" mentioned above (which was new
to me, but had no better results than some of the more
arduous menu options. I get a file, but when I try to open
it, I get a "file corrupted" message and see nothing after
the clef/key/time sigs for the first staff.

This happens in both Netscape 4.0x and 4.5x, and with both
registered and unregistered Noteworthy. Can other download
from CyberHymnal, or is it all in their server?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #7

I have managed to download the zip file of hymns midis from the Cyberhymnal OK and I have sent them to you.

They seem to import into NWC OK also

Cheers ... Sergio

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #8
Stephen: We tried the CyberHymnal site using Navigator 4, with no luck. It clearly does not download the NWC files as binary. Perhaps the MIME type is not set to trigger a binary download in Navigator. On the other hand, IE4 had no trouble with this. IE downloaded the NWC samples from this site without incident.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #9
Update on CyberHymnal site using Navigator: I successfully downloaded the MIDI files on this site using Navigator, so there is probably a MIME type issue at play here with regard to *.nwc files. NWC files should be treated as application binary data, rather than text/ascii. Bottom line: you should be able to work around the issue by using IE for this task.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #10
Large (and small!) NWC files compress really well, so why not use ZIP if that's the only way to deliver binary data?
It had been suggested before (and normally ignored by me...) to use zipped files for newsgroup uploads.
This is only a workaround, though, as the problem is actually with the webserver not recognising NWC files as binary data. Find your webmaster and suggest that they create a mime association for nwc files as
or something like that.


Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #12
Thanks for all the help!
-- I have been sent the CyberHymnal files in zip form.
-- I can download Andrew's .nwc files with no difficulty
using the standard browser.
-- "zip" files are preferred way for downloads, no doubt.
But the site owner controls that....
-- I don't have IE. Version 3 didn't work (Javascript 1.1
missing functionality); version 4 doesn't fit on my hard
drive. (My opinion of Microsoft would be irrelevant even
if it were suitable for a public forum.)
-- It's not the browser configuration alone because it
recognizes the mime type (as "unknown" and offers me a
chance to save it, which it does successfully from some
sites. But, what does your browser know, or not know,
about .nwc files (if it can access Cyberhymnal).
-- So, when will we have a Netscape-noteworthy plugin?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #13
Why wait?
in netscape 3.0 (the peak of browser technology so far):
"General Preferences"
"Create new type"
Fill in the blanks "mime type" and "subtype" with something-I used music/NWC
Fill in "File extension" with nwc
Dot "Launch the application"
Browse to your choice of NWPlayer or NWComposer and select it
restart Navigator and the next time you find an NWC file a right click should start NWC/NWP as selected above and load the file.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #14
Thanx Drake for such a clear explanation.

Blair, about GeoCities, they _rarely_ allow a new type to be uploaded. I asked them 2 years ago for .NTW files (older format of NWC) and they did nothing.
So load them as .zip ...
Maybe one trick that could work :
1. First rename (on YOUR disk) YourFile.NWC as
2. Using ftp or their file upload tool (great indeed) upload your pseudo-zip file.
3. Using their file upload tool, rename the DISTANT -on geocities I mean- YOURFILE.ZIP into YourFile.NWC
4. If the step 3. can be done, that's it!! :-)

I think I'm gonna try just to check my theory is correct. I got a page at and will try to put there solveig.nwc !


Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #15
I got the msg :
Could not rename file "" to "solveig.nwc":
---Invalid extension
I let though... This means that if you download it, you have to rename it as solveig.nwc. Not satisfatcory, is it ? a Real zip is better, as it can even contains directories (to get rid of having to find each and evrey file a different new name)

Un rêve s'évanouit... Well, let's try to write periodically to geocities to allow the ".NWC" extension !!
Or try, or, or many others.


Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #16
Thanks for the help. Maybe if we all bug GeoCities enough they will let us do it.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #17
If you are having problems with geocities, why don't you transfer to another free webspace provider like tripod?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #18
or upload files to tripod, etc. and link to them from your geocities page if you don't want to break other links?

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #20
GeoCities has not responded to my request. I tried Tripod, and found that it was no different. It seems that it is not enough to permit uploading the file type, it must also be registered as a custom MIME type. If there is a free web page provider that does this, I would like to know about it.

Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #21
If anyone has a good Composition plese send it.


Re: NWC files on GeoCities web sites

Reply #22
Maybe one of you could setup a public web directory where we can upload NWC files, then just link to them from your web site on geocities???