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Topic: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?) (Read 3876 times) previous topic - next topic

Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

The automatic placement of slurs is rather ugly when you use layering...
Short term solution :
Is it possible to patch rapidely (at least for slurs I have no experience of ties) the rules stated in "placement of slurs and ties" thread 911 "see!msg911#12" ?
I quote the rules with the modification in upper cases :
> The direction of slurs are now determined by the first
> note of the slur: if the stem of the first note is
> upward, then the slur will be underneath the notes.
> If the stem of the first note is downward, then the slur
> is extended above the notes. If the first note is a split
> direction chord OR A PART OF A LAYERED STAFF, then these rules are reversed.
This way the slur on layered staves will be on the side of the stem without any work around.
Long range solution :
A shorter slur that may fit between 2 consecutive notes or their stems (as in the commercial partitions I have seen) that makes easier their vertical placement (shift up or down) with freedom also for the direction of the curvature (up or downward) or the tilts.

Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #2
I am not clear on your question. Version 1.70 now allows you to place all slurs above (upward) or below (downward) the notes in a staff. Simply select all of the notes in the staff, goto Properties, and change accordingly.

Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #3
I think what Jean is suggesting is the default placing of slurs should be at the stem end when a staff is layered with another. This does pose some immediate practical difficulties:

Some scores only require layering for part of the piece.

The only way Noteworthy at present would know that a staff was part of a layer would be if layering was enabled (with me so far?)


With many scores I have found it necessary to turn layering off temporarily whilst entering notation, to avoid confusion with elements already present on the other staff or staffs.

Use of the new colour attributes could alleviate this problem, but I haven't tried this method yet.


Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #4
Sorry my fault : I was note aware of the possibility to select notation then the properties button on the mose that give a very big choice of actions including the direction of stem and slurs. This is very convenient with layering : you select whole and put stems and slurs in the good direction!
Sorry NWC fault : I have found in the help ctrl+e that does not give all these possibility. Please improve the help at the summer release : this will avoid most of my stupid questions!
I think that the second part of my intervention is still valid : a shorter slur will give more flexibility on vertical placement and use less vertical if placed at the height of the note instead of farther than the stem!

Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #5
> a shorter slur will give more flexibility on
> vertical placement and use less vertical if
> placed at the height of the note instead of
> farther than the stem!

I second this demand. It would be great to have a control on the vertical placement of the slur, sometimes farther than the stem, and sometimes at note head (particularly when layering).

Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #6
I think that not only the slurs could be "heighted" but also the note stems, there are some times that there is a part in the layered score that needs shorter note stems to not come over the other parte., also, there should be a smaller note (cue) that could help when there are too many parts in only one staff.

Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #7
Slurs can sometimes be raised with careful placement of hidden grace notes (or maybe grace rests - I have not tried that). Also, is a "cue" note not the same as a grace note?

But yes, what I would like is for slurs to become separate objects (rather than a property of the leading note), so you could set properties like starting and ending height.


Re: Improving placement of slurs (and ties?)

Reply #8
Cue notes are notes that have the same value of the real note and the same size of appogiaturas (with no slash)
It appears when you have a part score (for example) in an orchestra that after a long rest needs some reference on what is another part doing, the some of the other part appears like small notes...