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Topic: compatibility (Read 2255 times) previous topic - next topic


I have the version 1.55b, and I think there is a new version? what is the new version and how many versions have come out since the 1.55b?

This is the version I run and it also also the version my my family has. (my mother even worked out how to insert chords to the music she arranges for church using the text tool which is very good because she is not good at other computer programmes). I also have two friends who I work with on various music projects. we find noteworthy very good and cost effective for our work. (we all do have our own licence, which is better than one of us having one expensive programme)

so if the new version is 1.7 is better than the one i have then we should upgrade. will all our works still open in the new version? i would like to know this and then we can all upgrade at once. what are the issues for us?


Re: compatibility

Reply #1
> I have the version 1.55b, and I think there is a new
> version? what is the new version and how many versions
> have come out since the 1.55b?

The current version is numbered 1.70, and is the next version after 1.55b. (There were a number of intermediate 1.70 beta versions, but the one presently on NoteWorthy's site is the final public release.)

> so if the new version is 1.7 is better than the one i have
> then we should upgrade.

Definitely better, many more options available. Upgrading won't cost you a penny as you are registered users, simply download it and install it (uninstall 1.55b first if you want to use the same directory).

> will all our works still open in the new version?

Yes. But works generated with 1.70 will not open in 1.55b. (Believe me, you won't want to go back anyway.)

> what are the issues for us?

The only conceivable "issue" is learning to use the new facilities. But again, take my word for it; it will be well worth the effort.