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Topic: Triplets (Read 2424 times) previous topic - next topic


Is there any way to get the thing to import eigth note triplets as triplets and not as two dotted sixteenth notes and a sixteenth note? Or does this only happen in the shareware version?

Re: Triplets

Reply #1
Forgot to ask above...why does it import with the C Major key signature, and LOTS of accidentals? Same thing with transposing? or is that only in the shareware version?


Re: Triplets

Reply #2
The triplets issue is one that several folks have put on the wish-list for future improvement. Aside from manual touchups (which in some cases can be speeded up using macros) there's nothing that can be done about this at present.

The key signature issue is not NoteWorthy's fault. The Key Sig specification is optional; in other words, not all sequencers (for example Cubasis) export this when creating the midi. NWC therefore has no way of knowing what the intended key signature is. You can usually fix this up by forcing accidentals (all notes will how have an accidental), insert the desired (actual) key signature, and then transpose by 0 steps. This will fix most of them, though you still will usually have wrong enharmonics (such as Gb instead of F#) to fix up by hand.

On transposing, have a look at the help file.