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Export score

Is there a way to export the score into a word document (so I can provide musical examples in my assignments?)

Re: Export score

Reply #1
Two ways:

1: Print Preview, press COPY button, select "copy to clipboard" (default). Open (or restore, if already open) Word or other app supporting Windows metafiles, press CNTL V (or Edit | Paste).

2: Print Preview, press COPY button, select "Placeable metafile" and give it a filename in the save dialog. From Word or similar app, Insert | Picture and load the .wmf file you saved.

I find that in the jurassic version of Word that I'm running, the first approach usually works better; the second approach seems to leave stems orphaned from the noteheads and similar "anomalies."


Re: Export score

Reply #2
Strangely, I've found that the second method works fine until I open it for editing inside Word. Then the alignment problems that Fred mentions make the image unusable.

But a distinct advantage of the placeable metafile is that if you import the image into Word using imsert picture from file (and link to file) you can update it from MWC (simply overwrite it) and Word will pick up the revisions automatically.

Re: Export score

Reply #3
Yes, I've found that problem often with diagrams in Word.  If you import a WMF, it looks exactly as the original until you try to edit it.  Word must do some type of internal conversion that makes a complete mess of your diagram, if you're not careful.
The moral is, do all your editing before you import it into Word!


Re: Export score

Reply #4
Word is a ...word processor.
Don't use it to modify pictures... It can't do it as well as picturing tool. Use is for it can does better, and which it does quite well often!
The only thing I allow me with pictures in Word, is cropping (without any change of the original size).

Re: Export score

Reply #5
Just for reference:

There's nothing wrong with the WMFs exported from NWC. I've opened them in Adobe Illustrator, and they are prefect, as well as perfectly editable.

I had another drawing program (not a major name) that could import and edit WMFs. Problem: The imported position of elements was not that same as in the original document! (A great excuse for poor musicians.)


Re: Export score

Reply #6
I've noticed the same alignment trouble that you guys found in word it (Star Office) but I've done it with the copy special in the regular view.