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Topic: Scriptorium update (Read 4460 times) previous topic - next topic

Scriptorium update

NWC Scriptorium

The Scriptorium is open for business for files in NWC V1.70 beta format.

We've set up a separate file area for these files, since they won't be readable by V1.55b. To reduce confusion, we'll maintain this separation at least until V1.70 reaches final release, at which time the files will be combined into the main database.

Note that the search engine _will_ find all files matching the search criteria in both file areas.

A few files have been posted for beta testers to experiment with, more will undoubtedly follow shortly.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #1
16 Feb 00
I suggest that contributors to Scriptorium 1.70
submit their scripts in "skeleton" form... no
dynamic or tempo inserts. As current NWC versions
operate (I'm told), not all inserts can be deleted.
If/when newer NWC versions come on line, such a
feature might not be necessary, but until then, new
mods would be much "cleaner" with a stripped-down
base script.
R C Vanderburgh

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #2
I can't imagine who would have told you that inserted items cannot be deleted. In any event, that isn't (nor has it ever been) the case. Anything you can insert, you can edit or delete.

The submissions to the Scriptorium vary as greatly as do their creators. Some are very "bare-bones," others are exquisitely dressed to give top-notch visual output, or detailed midi performance, or both. The new features in NWC (esp. "hide anything" from the visual aspect, and "access any controller" from the midi aspect) will, I'm sure, result in a lot more files that incorporate this kind of detail.

If you really want an NWC file with no additional dynamics, mpc's, or text inserts, you can always export it to Type 1 midi, and re-import it.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #3
23 Feb 00
Thanks for your comments. I have found some instances where select/delete does not work. Is there some other selective method? How do you find (let alone delete) invisible settings. I will keep in mind using export/import MIDI.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #4
'Invisible' items are only invisible as far as printing, print preview, and NoteWorthy Player are concerned. In the edit window they show up as a light grey (which can be changed as desired in Options). Text and other items that take up 'zero width' have a little diamond-shaped glyph that you can grab for editing or deletion.

Selection can be accomplished using various methods:

1: Place the cursor before the item and press SHIFT + Right Arrow.

2: Place the cursor after the item and press SHIFT + Left arrow.

3: Use the mouse to position before or after the item, then click and drag to select.

Once selected, the item (or multiple items if more than one is selected) can be edited using CNTL-C, ALT-Enter, or Edit Selection from the Edit menu. Delete is easiest to accomplish by pressing the Delete key.


Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #5
Oops... one qualification. The point about selecting and editing multiple items only applies to the new V1.70, presently in beta. In V1.55b and earlier you could only edit a single item at a time. However, you /can/ delete a selection containing multiple objects in any version.

Also, the use of ALT-Enter for editing is new in V1.70 beta. For 1.55b you have to use CNTL-E or use Edit-->Selection.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #6
24 Feb 00
Hello Fred, I have applied what you have recommended to the classical songfile: Fur Elise (Beethoven), as it is available for use by both my copies of NWC 1.55b and 1.70 Beta 2. In both cases, thorough (visible) deletion of non-note/rest artifacts left two apparent crescendos in measures 1 thru 8. BTW, how do I decipher "5 2 1" or large X or Y?
Using MIDI conversion/reconversion appears to "clean" the script, although some beamed sixteenth notes were incorrectly converted to thirtysecond notes.
Thanks for your continued help.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #7
I don't have that file here with me, but I suspect you're hearing output from the hidden (sounding) staves, as compared to the visible (muted) staves. Go to Page Setup, and in Contents make sure that all staves are checked as visible.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #8
Fred is exactly right: the staves that actually make noise are hidden and must be unhidden from Page Setup. Then you can delete the dynamics from them.

As to the other stuff, "5 2 1" and other inserted numbers are suggested fingerings. The large X and Y are what you get when you don't have the Boxmarks font installed. With Boxmarks installed these turn into crescendo and decrescendo hairpins, respectively. (If you edit the text item containing the X and Y you'll see that it specifies the "User 1" font, and if you look at the Fonts tab of Page Setup you'll see that "User 1" is set to Boxmarks.)

Boxmarks (and the new Crescendo font for longer hairpins) can be downloaded for free from the NWC Scriptorium (

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #9
You're butting your head against the "staff layering" feature. File/Page Setup shows that there are 4 staves, but even if you select all four for display, you'll see only three. This is because the first two staves are overlaid (which makes possible mixed rhythms like the dotted 8th/16th rhythm of the melody against the triplets of the accompaniment). What's probably happening is that you're trying to delete items from overlaid staff 2 when your current active staff is staff 1.

If you go back to the "Contents" tab of Page Setup and uncheck "Allow Layering", all the staves will show up separately and you should have no trouble editing them to your heart's content.

As to the triplet import problem, I can't help you there. This is a longstanding complaint. Some have suggested keyboard macros as the answer.

Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #10
27 Feb 00
Hello Again,
Thanks for the explanation. I suggest new editions of the helpfile/manual include an explanation of staff layering.



Re: Scriptorium update

Reply #11
27 Feb 00

Hello Grant,
Using NWC 1.70 I was unable to modify anything in songfile beet2721 (1st Mov't Moonlight Sonata), even by setting everything to "visible" in Page Setup. Attempts to "clean" the file by nwc to mid to nwc conversions scrambled triplet constructs.