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Topic: Why wont the guiro sound work? (Read 4556 times) previous topic - next topic

Why wont the guiro sound work?

For those who haven't heard of it, the guiro is a Latin percussion instrument. Noteworthy Composer offers two guiro sounds. So far my percussion sounds work great, but for some reason the two guiro sounds are absolutely silent. This happens if they are on a staff alone, or if they are mixed with other percussion sounds. If they are mixed in, the other sounds are fine; it's only the guiro that are muted.

(Btw, they work when I run the DRUMREFtest file.)


Re: Why wont the guiro sound work?

Reply #1
Are you sure you have the right clef? Note that the drumref.nwc sounds are on two staves; the top staff is treble clef, the bottom is bass clef.

Re: Why wont the guiro sound work?

Reply #2
Fred asked if I was using the correct clef. Yes, I am. The guiro is on the treble clef and I am using the treble clef (and I didn't accidentally move it up or down an octave.)


Re: Why wont the guiro sound work?

Reply #3
Just to check the obvious, are sure you have assigned your guiro staff to MIDI channel 10? It's a MIDI requirement: drums don't work in any other channel.

Re: Why wont the guiro sound work?

Reply #4
Yes, my MIDI is set to channel 10. I think I may have an (unfortunate) answer, however; the problem might be my sound card.

Last night I loaded Noteworthy Composer onto my new laptop. I copied the troublesome score onto the laptop, and it plays just fine, guiro sounds and all. As far as I can tell, the sound settings on my laptop and desktop are the same; the only difference is the sound cards and their drivers (brand-new vs. ancient.)

I would still welcome suggestions on making it work on my desktop, though!



Re: Why wont the guiro sound work?

Reply #5
Here are some other things that occasionally help:

- Longer duration notes
- Harder struct notes (use an "fff" dynamic)
- PLaying the part alone (without other parts playing)