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Topic: Cents (Read 3432 times) previous topic - next topic


Does anyone know how to convert deviation from equal temperament in cents to NWC's pitch bend number? If so I would like to know, also. thanks in advance.

Re: Cents

Reply #2
Fred, I was just wondering about this the other day. Is it part of the MIDI spec that says pitch bend value is a linear function of cents? (It may be other than 40.96 if the global pitch bend is other than two semitones).

Is this something you measured?


Re: Cents

Reply #3
And just to fill some knowledge gaps in my head, ¿how many cents are there in a semitone?

Thanks in advance for any reply,

Re: Cents

Reply #4
1 semitone = 100 cents (by defintion). 1 semitone = 4096 midi pitch-bend units ("MPBU" to coin an acronym) by implied definition. The default midi pitch-bend range as defined in GM is +/- 1 whole tone, or a range of 4 semitones. Total numeric range of MPBU is 16384 (128 * 128), ergo 1 semitone = 16384/4 = 4096. So 1 cent = 4096/100 = 40.96 MPBU.


Re: Cents

Reply #5
Thanks, Fred, for a very clear and complete answer to a rather silly question.