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Topic: Bagpipe music gracenotes (Read 2499 times) previous topic - next topic

Bagpipe music gracenotes

Bagpipe music has a number of standard gracenote embellishments, ranging from 1 to 4-5 quick (32-nd) notes tied together. They go under the names of grips, pinky birls, tarleuths, doublings, etc. NWC provides tied gracenote notation, but entry can become tedious.

Here's my question: can a user customize the note toolbar with CUSTOM notes (in this case custom gracenote patterns)? In other words, I would like to create buttons (icons) for inserting these grips, birls, etc.
Can this be accomplished with NWC?

Thanks from a new NWC user,
Jim Q.

Re: Bagpipe music gracenotes

Reply #1
You could investigate using the Macro Recorder which came with Win 3.1.

Re: Bagpipe music gracenotes

Reply #2
Although you can customize the toolbars, you cannot add arbitrary new capabilities, such as what you want. As suggested above, a macro capability seems to be closer to what you want. The capability you want is not natively supported in NWC.


Re: Bagpipe music gracenotes

Reply #3
In the mean time, creating yourself a library NWC file of these things would probably suffice for quick copy/pasting.