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Topic: position of inserted text and dynamic variance (Read 1758 times) previous topic - next topic

position of inserted text and dynamic variance

Hello.. anyone can help me, why the position of my mf is below while in the song sheet it is in the upper of the staff (see attached) and how can we write Coda then 2nd time (to m.85)

The word Choir in the attached is just insert text of any dynamic variance or any command language in the software. More over should we type it in the upper out of the staff area? or in the staff area.

Thank you



Re: position of inserted text and dynamic variance

Reply #1
Hi Frank,
the vertical and horizontal position of many objects are all done the same way(s).

For the dynamic marking, you can easily move it by highlighting the dynamic (or its anchor) and use <Shift+UpArrow> or <Shift+DownArrow> to move it up and down.  Note that this works for practically any object you can place except for perhaps clefs, barlines, time and key signatures which all have fixed vertical positions.

to change the horizontal position of objects that can be moved this way, again, select (highlight) the object/anchor the press <Alt+Enter>.  This will take you to the objects dialogue box.  In the dialogue box there will be a "Placement" tab which will have the options of:
  • Staff Position (you can also adjust vertical position in this dialogue)
  • Preserve Width - allows you to make the object consume horizontal space on the staff
  • Justification - Left; Centre; Right
  • Alignment/Placement - Best Fit; Best Fit Forward; As Staff Signature; At Next Note/Bar

While this list seems somewhat limited you can achieve most of the horizontal positioning you need with it.
For those times when these options are not enough you can use "Spacers"* (press the <Insert> key one or more times).  I've even used a little creativity with text entries that comprise only <Space> entries with "Preserve Width" set, though I don't think I've needed this since spacers arrived on the scene.
Some things might require a combination of text entries and other objects like the To Coda question you asked.
OR you could place the "To Coda" flow control object and then hide it (Visibility Never) and place a text object with the required text.  Note that multiple lines require multiple text entries.

As for the word "CHOIR" in your example, its current placement seems fine to me, however having the dynamic (mf) above like that would usually suggest to me that it only applies to the upper voice which I don't think makes sense in this case.

*Spacers can REDUCE space as well as add it.  It just depends on the number of spacers you add.  Mike Shawaluk recently taught me that you can even set a spacer to zero and remove all space between objects.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.