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Topic: Link with music scanning software (Read 3063 times) previous topic - next topic

Link with music scanning software

I will be putting this on the wishlist, but I thought I'd stick it here as well, to try and get a bit of support.
I would like a nice seamless way of integrating NWC with a music scanning program such as MIDISCAN. At present I can scan in a manuscript with PIANOSCAN (a mini version of MIDISCAN), correct it, create a MIDI file, import that into NWC, correct it again, and then print it or play it. Quite a long job, and only marginally quicker than transcribing it by hand. If there was a better link between the two programs, or if NWC came up with a plug-in which scanned in music, it would be excellent!


Re: Link with music scanning software

Reply #1

I used to achieve same scan-midiscan-midiexport-importNWC process. What I found is that the quickest way is to correct just time signature in MidiScan, and then export to midi, and to make all other corrections in NWC.
Because MidiScan is all but user-friendly, and NWC GUI is soooo easy to use. Keyboard is hundreds more precise than a mouse. And NWC has some powerful tools.

If midiscan could directly export to clipboard in NWC format, it would be a bit better :) since complex chords (chords with different note lengths) should be correctly imported. Las, MidiScan has no NWC export :(
On the other hand, if NWC could read .mnd files...

IMHO, let's NWC programmers concentrate on printing/midiing stuff, instead of scattering energy onto music recognition (look at ,, or for old discussions).

Did someone recently upgrade MidiScan? Did they make some progress?
