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Topic: What software should I buy? (Read 4720 times) previous topic - next topic

What software should I buy?

You don't get more of a novice than me. I would really appreciate some help on which software to buy/download, Cake Walk/Noteworthy/ etc. I have none at the moment. I am not a keyboard player but a classical guitar player who wants more music to play. I would also like to try my hand at composing! I would pay maybe $50 - $100 for software but nothing for hardware as I use a laptop from my work.

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #1
Hi Nigel, I have been using Noteworthy for over 2 years now and considering the price, ease of entering notes, free upgrades and all the good advice you get on this forum I would highly recommend you to go that route! Good luck - Barry

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #2
Nigel, I most enthusiastically recommend NoteWorthy! Give it a try. Why not? it's free (to start)! But -- If you would be advised -- download a copy of Keyboard Express by Insight Software, too. You'll find many uses for keyboard macros in NoteWorthy as you get into typing in music. To you and all other readers of this forum, I will be glad to send along a copy of the macros I have come up with; just e-mail a request.

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #3
Nigel, I'd personnally recommend NWc for same reasons, adding quick support and friendly users community.
Anyway, as a guitartist, you may be interested in which is more designed for guitar writing. But I did not use it (just 5 minutes to test it, seemed to be almost as good as NWC), so you'll have to try it yourself (btw, you are the one person that has to decide for you :-)
You may also refer to for guitar discussion.

Robert, why wouldn't you submit your macros to the NWC scriptorium? (though I think that KeyBoard Express ain't as cheap as NWC, am I wrong?)

HTH, Marsu

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #4
Re macros: The Scriptorium already has some macro files, intended for the (free) macro recorder that comes with Windows 3.1x. Dubious whether Keyboard Express macros would work with this, however.

Also available is a macro editor (wonderful program, btw) which can be used to (quite easily) convert macros written for Win95 to Win3.11, or vice versa.

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #5
Good suggestion, Marsu. But before uploading the macros I thought I'd better get up to date on the version of KeyBoard Express that I'm using. I webbed over to Insight Software at and found that KBE is no longer; it's now Macro Express. If you use ME you can import KBE macros. All appear to work fine. Thus the macros to be posted will be ME. Price for ME: 30-day trial, then $34.95.

Nigel, (remember Nigel?) Don't sweat the macro issue. Download Noteworthy. Right now. You'll thank me.

Bob Shiffman

Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #6
...And most of all you'll thank Eric, the author!

About Macros: I'm used to recorder.exe, the one Fred's speaking about, which I introduced a looooong time ago (Dec 1996, I think); and rather than investing 35 USD in a macro software, I'd rather put them into a decent modem... (well, I fear it won't be enough)

And, Fred: if it is you who brought RecEdit to the scripto, be thanked so much; if it ain't you, be thanked anyway for reminding us that it can be used to convert 32->16 macros and vice versa... I'm still using both environments, since my modem is under Win3.* only :-|



Re: What software should I buy?

Reply #7
No, I think RecEdit was Andrew's discovery, but thanks anyway marsu :-)

I too use both environments - Win95 (at work) because I have to, and Win3.11 (at home) because I prefer it!