Mike, Thank you for this useful extension to NoteWorthy Composer.
However, I'm still missing a few useful features. For one, when I'm transposing the staff, the chords are not transposed and I'm forced to go through them one by one, which is obviously a quite tedious task. Next, I rarely use the default char size and position, so each time whe I insert a new chord, I have to modify the corresponding values. I would prefer that these values, once entered, are kept as new defaults at least for the current session.
Perhaps you could concider to include these features into a possible future release. I would be greatful for it.
I can vouch that NWC 2.75 runs very nicely on my Surface Pro (original model, running Windows 10). Including the multi-touch piano keyboard (although I must be honest and say I haven't taken advantage of that for song entry, but I mean to give it a try).
To use a Surface tablet might be a viable solution on the long run, but right now I'm using a more or less recent iPad Air. And yes, I DID hope to see a iOS version of NWC in the near future. There are a few composer apps available in the Apple store, but none of them does remotely match the capabilities of NWC. I'm using one of them to secure melodies coming to my mind occasionaly when I'm out, but the only way to exchange data with NWC is to use MIDI, which always requires some editing after importing. Frankly, I can live with that for the time being. But since people increasingly prefer tablets to PCs, it might be a good idea for NWC to migrate to new platforms in time.
It would be nice to have an app on my tablet and/or my smartphone to be able to continue working on my compositions when being on the road. There should be an easy file exchange with the "stationary" NWC application on my PC at home.