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Messages - B J VICE

General Discussion / Re: interruptions to Noteworthy composer while working with files
Following on from my previous cry for help, I have found the answer.
re- multiple screens interrupting my NWC music program.
I was working on a file accessed from a memory stick. This was loosely plugged in and any vibration of the desk caused the stick to rattle and repeatedly reconnect and superimpose multiple search screens on top of the music program's active screen.
Many thanks for the helpful answers but now ALL IS WELL.
General Discussion / interruptions to Noteworthy composer while working with files
When using Noteworthy composer 2  'File Explorer' interrupts my music program to display multiple, previously entered search step screens. These screens can be deleted to allow the music program to continue, but the interruptions continue.
The screens being displayed are the search screens used to enter  the current file.
The frequency of interruptions varies, as do the number of screens of the search path displayed at any one incident.
Is this a problem with NMC or File explorer?