Hey Lawrie, Thanks for the post! Following your instructions I have discovered that I do have only Microsoft GS Wavetable... and Microsoft MIDI Mapper available and so I will be heading for town tomorrow and see if the tech guys can help me put this right.I have been using windows 98 until recently because it seems to work fine and we happen to live in an area where we are still unable to get high speed internet so there seems to be no rush to upgrade. Thanks again cheers Angelo
Help anyone, How do I get the instruments sounds that I am used to , have grown up with, and love, when I run Note Worthy in another computer running windows XP instead of my old reliable Windows 98. This problem is driving me crazy. My apologies if this question has been explored in great detail already, could some kind soul please point me to THE WAY. Desperate ANGELO
Thanks PhilHolmes I have been considering a notebook but I'm not a fan of the Atom chip that most seem to have. Actually what I had in mind was a blackberry/smartphone/ipad like devise but, I'd be quite happy with an underpowered notebook as long as it works. thanks Angelo
My first post is a simple question... I have a very long commute three days a week and want to keep things as light and compact as possible so I can compose on the fly. Is anyone using a notebook or something smaller to run noteworthy or have any suggestions... thanks and cheers. Angelo