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Messages - Hawkshare

General Discussion / Installing my update, belatedly
2021 Spring
Subject: Installing my update, belatedly

I recently updated an old license to the current release of NoteWorthy Composer (NWC.)
But travel and university work prevented me from following through on getting the update properly installed.
Does anyone know how or where to enter my license key, so I can get the full version of NWC up and running?
This item from the forum seems relevant, but replies veer off into NWC product comparison and critiques.
I wrote to but there has not yet been a reply.

Thanks in advance,

General Discussion / Re: Can't save MIDI

Thanks so much for all the good advice; a little difficult for a beginner to understand at first, but now I have tried a few things and am getting the results I want.

Bless you and peace be unto you!
General Discussion / Re: Can't save MIDI

Gosh, thanks. That's a nice demonstration, and an opportunity for me to study music.

But it will take me awhile to decipher it. Seriously, I am a very slow beginner, so I beg your patience.

Are you saying I need to put in some bars, which means the same thing as making new measures? And in those measures I should put some rests?

But I tried doing that at the end of the song, and it did not get written to MIDI.

I see a fermata in the instructional file, and what looks like a big comma above one of the measures.  (What's that called, please?)


General Discussion / Re: Can't save MIDI

Yes, that seems to be the trouble, thank you so very much.

I see now that a simple note change does write to MIDI, but the fermata insertions do not.

I read very little music, so if you please, interpret this statement:
>> You need to reflect them in some other way such as putting in an extra bar with the appropriate changes.

I tried putting several rest notations in these files, so that singers can have the same pauses that are in their usual Book. But I think these rests, especially when they are at the end of the song, also seem to be getting ignored.

Thanks in advance. Apologies for my ignorance, and I do so much appreciate your helps.


General Discussion / Re: Can't save MIDI

Thanks for the replies.

I have tried all these suggestions, and it still is not working.

When I write to a new.unique.filename , it still does not reflect my change.

It writes the contents of the old MIDI file to new.unique.filename.mid, and ignores the fermata I inserted, or a correction to a misplaced note.

I believe this is a bug. Has anyone else encountered this situation? Does anyone have this problem in the newest version of NWC?

Look up "save midi" or "saving midi" in earlier posts at this forum and you see that some others may be writing about this.

General Discussion / Can't save MIDI
Hi, new here.
I searched and searched the forum for a solution to a problem I am experiencing with NWC 1.75c. The only posts I found were somewhat old, and not precise.

So, if you please, recommend to me and advise me what I should do.

I am making some minor modifications to .nwc files, and need to have both a score and a midi file.

Unfortunately, the software is not saving my changes to the MIDI file, whether I select Type 1 or 2 (usually I choose 1).

What's up? Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance.
Salam, shalom, peace.