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Messages - thedavistator

General Discussion / Re: Mouse Wheel Scroll support
Thanks! I'll try that. I do have vertical scrolling in NWC2 but I don't really care about that. Almost every song is going to be longer horizontally than vertically so most of the navigation will be from side to side rather than up and down. I think horizontal scrolling should have been supported over vertical scrolling so you wouldn't have to fool around with trying different mouse drivers.
General Discussion / Mouse Wheel Scroll support
I have been using Reaper for audio recording lately and I have really come to love the navigation controls. The mouse wheel zooms in and out of the tracks and scrolls with the mouse by holding down function keys. So, when I come back to NWC for midi I get frustrated with its navigation. I don't really mind the lack of advanced controls but I can't even get my mouse wheel to scroll. I didn't even think it was possible until I saw a post on someone wanting to be able to scroll vertically or in the print preview. I guess it comes down to what driver you have for your mouse. Does anyone know a driver I can download for my mouse? I have a standard Dell mouse. I also have a Logitech gaming mouse with lots of extra buttons but I don't know if would be a good idea switching drivers on that unless you guys think otherwise.
Any help would be appreciated.
