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Topic: browser plug in only for web-based files? (Read 2428 times) previous topic - next topic

browser plug in only for web-based files?

I have sent all my choir members the link for the Noteworthy Player. I email them files with our weekly songs in parts so we can learn the harmonies.

Several people have asked if they could print the files rather than using the hymnal. I see now that this is possible with the browser plug-in. My question is, will the browser plug-in work with files you email to someone? I think it should because both downloaded and emailed files will end up residing on the hard drive. ...BUT I want to be sure before I try to get some people to use the browser. My choir-mates are not the most computer-savvy folks and it was a real bear to get them all going on the Noteworthy Player!

I was going to uninstall NWC and try the browser plug-in to test this myself but my son has trashed our office CD storage thing with all his games and I can't find the CD! Who knows when it will turn up!

Thanks for your help.

Ann Scharpf

Re: browser plug in only for web-based files?

Reply #1
Yes, provided that the plug-in is installed you can use your browser to display NWC files "off-line." Any browser lets you open local files by clicking File -> Open -> Browse (or File -> Open File, as applicable). You can then browse to where the file is, and voila!

If the browser has a pulldown labelled "Files of type...", be sure it's set to "All Files," otherwise you might not see the NWC files when you're browsing.


Re: browser plug in only for web-based files?

Reply #2
PS - you *might* be able to directly launch the browser plug-in from within your email client. This is subject to the vagaries of your email client of choice, including configuration, and how your ISP handles the MIME type of attachments. (In my particular case, using Netscape 6 aka Mozilla, it always seems to work in email, but only works about 1/2 the time on the newsgroup, apparently depending on how the sender has his/her system set up.)

If it /doesn't/ work automatically, you can instruct your recipients to save the attached NWC file to disk, then use the approach outlined in the previous message to view/print the file.


Re: browser plug in only for web-based files?

Reply #3
Thanks again, Fred! You answered both of my posts. I appreciate your help.


Re: browser plug in only for web-based files?

Reply #4
One point to add:

If you have NWC already installed on your system, IE won't open *local* NWC files using the plug-in but it will call NWC instead.

To hack this, drag-drop a NWC file in an already open IE window.

This is valid for only IE since Netscape and Opera correctly do their work with either local or remote files.

