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Topic: Scriptorium files (Read 5709 times) previous topic - next topic

Scriptorium files

Before I installed NWC2 Preview, I could open NWC files in the Scriptorium (with NWC 1.75).  Now I can't open NWC or NWC2 files.  What did I do?

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #1
G'day Steve,
if you install the viewer, it includes a launcher that correctly differentiates between V1 and V2 files and can be configured to launch the correct product...

Get it here:

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #2
Thanks, Lawrie, and g'day to you, too!
Okay, that works if I first save the file into the Viewer folder, and then open it.  Is it no longer possible to open the files simply by clicking on them?

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #3

I think the problem is that you might be using a later version of Internet Explorer and you have the NoteWorthy Plugin installed. Later versions of IE cannot use the plugin. 
If you get a little red cross in the corner when you click on an NWC file, then this is almost certainly the problem.
To see more about this visit

There is a registry hack to fix this problem but this is not recommended - Here are two other solutions. Recommend the second.

1. Use a browser other than IE and then re-install the plugin for that browser - Note that this still won't let you play version 2 files since a plugin has not been released for them.


2. Uninstall the plugin. Make sure that you have NoteWorthy viewer installed. Then when you click on a file in the Scriptorium, make sure that the action is always to open with NoteWorthy Viewer.

After this option, when you click on a file, it will auto download into your temp area, load the viewer and play, leaving you free to continue surfing while you listen.

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #4
Oops, I do keep forgetting about that ol' plug-in problem...

Thanks Rich.

Steve, what Rich said!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #5
Well it's more obvious to me because I usually get at least 2 emails a month from people asking why they can't download.
So it has become a sort of stock answer !

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #6
I never had the plug-in installed, and I installed the Viewer last night.  It seems that what I don't know how to do is to make it so that the Viewer automatically opens a file when I click on it.  I just installed the Viewer on my work computer and it worked instantly - I just click and the file opens in the Viewer.  Is there some setting I need to change on my home computer?  Thank you!


Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #7
Well if you've installed the viewer and you don't have the plugin, I believe that it should do it automatically.

However, As a first step - Do the following.

Right click on an NWC file on your c drive. You will then get a menu. Select "Open With"
Select Choose Program

If you can see NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer displayed in the list then highlight it.
If you can't see it, navigate to NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer using the browse key and select that.

Also check the box "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"
This should sort it out. If not, report back here and we'll take it from there.
What the viewer should do after this is detect which version of NoteWorthy Compser is needed depending on the file that you click and then load that version. If you don't have version 2 then it will play the file in the viewer.


Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #8
Boy, is my face red.  (Just take my word for it.)  I actually did have the plug-in installed and uninstalling it solved the problem.  I stated earlier that I didn't have the plug-in because I have no recollection of installing it.  Perhaps I did it as part of my installation of NWC2.  I looked under Add/Remove Programs, and there it was - so out it went.

Thank you!!!!


Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #9

Glad it's fixed.

In fact it's good to know that people can have that installed without realising just simply because they've installed it as part of the whole package.

Thanks for reporting back

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #10
A registry hack is not advisable - agreed.
But if I would have the registry I want it, I could export the key(s) that are necessary, and anyone else could simply doubleclick on the .reg file.
Maybe it's an option worth considering...

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #11
"Ectualy" Rich, I wouldn't mind knowing the hack myself.  I regularly have to do registry hacks, doesn't hurt to know another one.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #12
Agreed - but why bother when the plugin won't play version 2 files anyway. You'd then get the situation where some files would play and some wouldn't.
Better to user the Viewer option (IMHO) - until such time as Eric decides how he is going to resolve this issue.


Follow the link to the NoteWorthy news item in the fourth post in this topic. In the news item, Eric gives details of the registry hack.

Re: Scriptorium files

Reply #13
Ahh, thanks mate!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.