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Topic: New Signature (Read 14517 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: New Signature

Reply #1
If you must, make it w i d e rather than high. Some of us like to get several threads on the same screen. Cuts down on having to quote from the previous thread. Robin L. Øye's image is a good example.
Registered user since 1996

Re: New Signature

Reply #4
On the other hand - Why use a signature image at all?
All the ones in this forum are space wasters!

Re: New Signature

Reply #5
G'day Josh,
umm, mate, "Image hosted by..."  Is this really what you want in your sig?

On the other hand - Why use a signature image at all?
All the ones in this forum are space wasters!

G'day Barry,
I confess I'm one of them space wasters...  I had a weak moment and wanted to show a little humour and be "a induhvidjewal", just like everyone else ;)

That said, if we had Avatar support I'd use that instead - this would appear beside the post instead of under it.  However I believe Eric has reasons not to allow 'em.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: New Signature

Reply #6
I confess I'm one of them space wasters...
A little space can be a good thing, but you would "waste" a bit less of it if you put your name to the side of your graphic, instead of beneath it.
Registered user since 1996

Re: New Signature

Reply #7
For those that have upgraded their membership, you can elect not to see other user signatures. There are options for this in your profile. They are in the Look and Layout Preferences as "Don't Show..." options.

Re: New Signature

Reply #8
G'day Josh,
umm, mate, "Image hosted by..."  Is this really what you want in your sig?
I also see that here at work, but at home it's a drawing of Josh (I presume).
My signature doesn't show at work either - it's just a little "hole" in the page with an X inside of it.

Re: New Signature

Reply #9
Must be a "cacheing" problem. I copied the url for Josh's "gif" into my address bar, his drawing appeared in its own window, and now his signature makes (some) sense.
Registered user since 1996

Re: New Signature

Reply #10
There's something wrong with the html of the image. Hight and width are given:
<img src="" alt=""
width="125" height="183" border="0" />

but it should simply be
<img src="" alt="" border="0" />
The image itself is good.
The elongated version looks like a box of washing powder.

Re: New Signature

Reply #11
I would imagine that tripod changes their images based on HTTP_REFERER, as well as bandwidth consumption.

Re: New Signature

Reply #13
Nope - Didn't work from here

Re: New Signature

Reply #14
right... Message modified, sorry guys. It saves clutter.

If you can't see the picture from Josh' site, maybe this will work:
<Image Link>
<square bracket>img width=114 height=167<square bracket end>
<square bracket>/img<square bracket end>

Re: New Signature

Reply #15
All I can see are copies of the "hosted by Tripod" image.

I have downloaded josh's drawing, but it stubbornly refuses to display in IE...  Hang on a sec...  Nope - just tried clearing my IE cache and it still soesn't help :(

Looking at the source it seems to me that it should be fine but it ain't.

Josh, perhaps you could move it out of the sitebuilder directory structure...  Maybe Tripod treats stuff in that structure differently to the rest of the site...  Just a guess...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: New Signature

Reply #16
Here's something really weird.

If I go directly to the picture's URL
in a session that's not connected with this forum, then Josh's picture displays in IE (latest version)
When I have looked at that and then come back here, then all the images (except for one of Rob's) display properly. That is, I get Josh's drawing - not the "Hosted by" Drawing.

If I then close down the forum Explorer page and start up again, All pictures are back to "Hosted by....."



Re: New Signature

Reply #17
G'day Rich,
yup - I get the same thing.

Interestingly though, when I just clidk the link in your message I get redirected here:

Looks like Tripod doesn't like having images from their site embedded in other sites pages...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: New Signature

Reply #18

Re: New Signature

Reply #19
This is sooooo strange. I can see the Tripod picture. A bit stretched, but hey, there it is. I can see mine as well. Same picture, only I righted the dimensions. None in sight for you guys? It's not Tripod - at least not solely.

Re: New Signature

Reply #20
G'day Rob,
I can see the Tripod image quite OK - in both forms, that's just the problem.  I should be seeing a sketch of Josh instead.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: New Signature

Reply #21
I wish I could say I see the sketch the whole time, but both Rick and RobdenHeijer's pictures are "Image Hosted By Tripod" to me. In the actual signature, I can see perfectly well, though. Maybe you should use another free web server.
Supported by The Brotherhood of Pandas

Re: New Signature

Reply #22
Ah. That, now, makes sense. Gigabytes are cheap - data transfer is not. Therefore, a free page can be monitored by the host. If anyone links to an image, that would cost the site owner (Tripod, in this case) money every time someone opens the page with that link in it!
The substituted image is so small that data transfer is not an issue. So yes, the image has to be hosted somewhere else.
That's why I saw a box of washing powder only, instead of a sketch.

Re: New Signature

Reply #23
Still, it's quite a big picture.
And hey, user111, you're a bit quiet. I have been harbouring suspicions about your identity. Are you not exactly the same as...? No hard feelings? ;-)

Re: New Signature

Reply #25
I suppose some menace from the old forum...?

I think that you should consider

It doesn't delete accounts for inactivity, and as far as I know, it works well with displaying pictures.


Note: The URL isn't an actual image.

Supported by The Brotherhood of Pandas

Re: New Signature

Reply #26
Gee golly.

You guys were talking about me and I wasn't there.

That lest time I was in the forum was when I did the first two posts about this signature.

To tell you the truth. I don't use the forum at all. I don't like it anymore. It has changed.

If the old forum from the NWC homepage still existed I'd be using it alot. I like that Old forum style, not this technical new one.

Now you know about this, if you want to talk with must do it in the NoteWorthy Newsgroup.
I use it everyday.

That's all.

BTW - I don't have a HUGE signature there.
Just something like this with out the "****"'s.....

- - - - -
Josh *******
E-mail - joshers2005@****.com
Web - http://***********