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Topic: voice (Read 2389 times) previous topic - next topic


hi again
Thanks for all your replies... I wasn't talking about A below mid C, I was talking about the A one octave lower than that. I can go very easily to E below mid C even if I have hurt my voice. So, that's why I'm confused if I'm a soprano or an alto or whatever.
I read all of the replies and I guess you mean if someone is able to give very high notes, she is a soprano, it doesn't much matter how low she can go?
I don't sound as clear-high as Celine Dion at all, my friends say I sound like a man... But I am able to sing Skunk Anansie songs very easily and I can go as low as a tenor sometimes a baritone.
Does this mean I'm a soprano with a stretching voice?
I think I sound more clear in the mezzosoprano range.
I don't know any proffesionals who would help me so I'd again like to see your replies.
I'd really like to answer people when they ask me about my voice.
Thank You