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Topic: Phantom Slur  (Read 5001 times) previous topic - next topic

Phantom Slur

OK, boys, you've been very helpful in the past, hopefully you can bail me out again. I have a file where at the end of the bass system, I put in a note, low E, half note before a DS al Fine. Two weird things happened-  1.) there is a slur or tie that stretches back about 17 measures to a whole REST! Now the weird thing is, when the note is in my screen, the slur continues to previous measures off the screen. When I scroll to find the origin, the slur disappears. I did this several times until I finally zoomed out until I could see the whole slur. That's when I saw that it originated in a measure with the rest. I went to that measure and moved the curser with the arrows hoping there might be an invisible character, but there was none and 2.) the inserted half note doesn't sound during playback- the rest of the line does.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

John Mahony

Re: Phantom Slur

Reply #1
Well, guys, it all went away. Go figure.
