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Topic: NWC to mp3 (Read 956 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC to mp3

Good day everybody
Years ago Lawrence indicated that he uses Audacity to create MP3 files from NWC audio output.
One could also export a MIDI file from a NWC song, and then convert the MIDI file to MP3 using Switch or some other software.
How would the two resulting MP3 files differ?
Thank you

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #1
That would depend primarily on the synth being used.  As well as the bit depth and rate the .mp3 was produced/saved at. 
FWIW most people cannot hear the difference between the usual default 48kbps and the often used 192kbps (or even higher) bit rates.  I know I can't, though one of my sons claims he can.  I'm inclined to believe him because of his profession, but he would be one of a very small group.

E.G. if you were using a GM synth that uses soundfonts for NWC (I use Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth), AND the same soundfont for the MIDI file conversion then I would expect no discernible difference at all, unless the synths were radically different and rendered the various soundfonts differently.  Unlikely.

If, however, you used 2 different soundfonts, or different synths that used other sources for samples, or whatever, then there are absolutely no guarantees.

E.G. I have settled on a soundfont called merlin_audigy(v1.14) with a correction I put in for one of the patches*.
It does not even remotely sound like the default Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth that comes standard with Windows (NOT a soundfont BTW).
There are many other soundfonts that one could choose, as I'm sure you know.  If it's a different soundfont, then it is likely to be a different set of samples, and the sounds will not match.

* I think it was a the flute patch IIRC originally the flute didn't sustain correctly, but decayed like a percussion instrument.  I fixed that (somehow... ;) )
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #2
I know I can't, though one of my sons claims he can.
I suspect the age has some incidence...  ;)
My ears cut at about 9 kHz.
A friend of mine has a telephone band earings.
Another friend of mine, that used to be a bat, now complains a quite reduced band, almost like me.

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #3
Hello and thank you for the quick reply.
I am using the same Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth which you also use. My NWC uses it and I suppose it is set as default for all audio apps on the computer. I really don't know how to figure that out if necessary. 
However what I do not know is in what form NWC sends the music to my loudspeakers and in what form it converts it to midi. In other words are the sounds that Audacity hears from my loudspeaker the same that is in the MIDI file? I do not know if you understand what I mean here. I understand that MP3s and wave files consist of real audio waves but midi does not and that Audacity hears real audio waves.
Thanks for your help  


Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #4
NWC sends the music information to CoolSoft as MIDI data - the CoolSoft synth then uses that data to create audio signals from data in the soundfont.

NWC ONLY sends MIDI data.
So, NWC does NOT drive your loudspeakers, it drives the synth, which in turn sends a signal controlled by the MIDI data from NWC and derived from the wavetable data in the soundfont to the speaker system.

When using Audacity, it receives a signal from the synth and records that.  IE an audio signal.

Unless you configured your system to use Coolsoft as the default MIDI synth for the system (not possible without 3rd party software OR editing the registry since Windows Vista (IIRC) was released, then NWC will use Coolsoft (assuming that's how you've configured NWC), and the rest of your system will use the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, UNLESS the software is able to select a preferred synth the way NWC can.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #5
Thank you for the explanation.
I'm using windows 10 Pro on my PC. Coolsoft is set in NWC. The window also reflects GS Wavetable synth as another option.
In settings, App volume and volume preferences, Coolsoft is shown at 100%. Midi mapper and GS Wavetable synth are not there, nor can I find them if I search for them throughout the PC.
Is there a way in which I can test whether the MIDIfile that comes from noteworthy is played through Coolsoft or through GS Wavetable, when Windows media player plays the midi or Audacity or Switch converts the midi to MP3?

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #6
In Win 10 there is NO MIDImapper app - microshaft took it out in Vista (or maybe Win7 - not actually certain now, it was too long ago).
Therefore, unless you've used a 3rd party alternative to MIDIMapper, OR you've done a manual registry edit, then software that doesn't allow you to select a specific synth will use the GS Wavetable.  In particular Windows Media Player will certainly use the GS Wavetable.

Given your questions I am assuming you haven't edited your registry or used a 3rd party app to edit your default MIDI synth, so:
  • If you export a MIDI file, then play that back through Windows Media Player then it will be GS Wavetable.
  • If you use Van Basco's Karaoke Player to play MIDIs then it has an option to select your preferred synth.
  • Audacity allows you to select the synth you want to use, so that one's up to you.
  • Audacity shows the MIDIMapper as an option, this is just another way of saying the default MIDI synth, which is GS Wavetable unless you've edited the registry or used a 3rd party MIDIMapper app
  • If you want to identify which synth is being used, a really good test is your ears.  *Most soundfonts sound completely different to the GS Wavetable (they are usually much better IMHO).  So, playback using NWC and Coolsoft with your preferred soundfont, then playback the MIDI with WMP**
  • I know nothing about "Switch", never even heard of it, so I can't help you with this one.
  • GS Wavetable and MIDI Mapper are not apps so I wouldn't expect them to be in settings, App volume and volume preferences.

* A glaring exception to this is if you use one of the Roland soundfonts.  This is because the GS Wavetable is a sound set that M$ licenced from Roland back in the Win3 days - they still use it and it still sucks.  (IMHO)

** Or better still, use NWC to playback using Coolsoft, then change to GS Wavetable and playback again, note the differences.  If you can't hear any differences then it may be either the instruments used are similar in both wavetables OR you're using a Roland soundfont...  Don't forget to change back!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC to mp3

Reply #7
Thank you very much for your answers.
I have much to think about and to explore.
Have a good weekend.