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Topic: font with circled numbers? (Read 56787 times) previous topic - next topic

font with circled numbers?

Is anyone aware of a font that includes numbers with circles around them? These are used in string music to indicate which string to play a note on. I've checked the Scriptorium fonts that looked possible (Boxmarks and Boxmarks2, Lawrie's Musikdings, NWslur, and Fretqwik). I can keep on checking, there and elsewhere, but I thought I'd just ask....


Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #1
Wingdings has circled numbers for zero - ten. Should be on your system by default.
If the above is gibberish, search Micro$oft's website.
Registered user since 1996

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #2
Thanks, Rick - that does the job. Don't know why I didn't look there....

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #3
There is also an excellent font called Combinumerals (possibly freeware?)  It lets you create the same single digits in circles, but also double digits (for your 88-string guitar) and selected other symbols.  You get [shadow=red,left][glow=black,2,300]reverse[/glow][/shadow]  if you use bold.  There is also an expensive version that allows three-digit numbers, and other extensions.

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #4
Hi, Ewan -

You can get CombiNumerals here.  I don't know if I would call $14.95 US expensive, however.  I think I'm going to go ahead an order this, as these seem to be very nice and would be great in NWC.  You can find the CombiNumerals Pro (which also gives you CombiSymbols) here.  If you want to see a PDF of the available symbols, you can find that here.

This looks to be a great font add-in for Noteworthy, and hopefully no one takes this as an advertisement on the forum; I'm not endorsing it, merely point folks to the right place.  I've not even tried the fonts yet (but plan to).

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #5
Here is the link to download the WordPerfect fonts, which given the price (free) are at least worth looking at.  They have a full set of accented characters as well as almost any symbol you would like, including circled numbers 1 through 10, both black one white and white on black.  (Look in WPIconicSymbolsA.) 


Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #6
The link isn't working for me...

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #7
The link isn't working for me...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #8
Sorry!  Never inserted an ftp before and used the wrong tags.  I also fixed my previous post.  Thanks Lawrie.

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #9
Follow-up: When I wrote reply #2 (above), I hadn't actually tried the wingdings font. It turns out that NWC doesn't support the part of the Wingdings character set that includes circled numbers. For others facing this problem, I recommend the Combinumerals set that Ewan and John pointed us to. The freeware version does the job nicely. The right size for the font for string numbers appears to be 3/4 the size of the system font (e.g., if your staff metrics are set to 16 pt, set Combinumerals to 12).

Cheers - and thanks to Ewan and John -


Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #10
I hadn't actually tried the wingdings font. It turns out that NWC doesn't support the part of the Wingdings character set that includes circled numbers.
Sorry Bill, I have and NWC does. Wingdings in Win98, Wingdings and Wingdings 2 in XP. On both NWC1 and NWC2 on both OS's. Just to be sure, I even printed them in XP.

For others facing this problem, I recommend that you reinstall the fonts.

There are some issues with these and other symbol fonts on Asian versions of Windows and UNIX emulators.
Registered user since 1996

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #11
Well, Rick, I have a factory install of XP (authorized American version) on a Dell laptop. I've run the repair facility on the install disk within the last three days, and it found nothing wrong with the fonts. The Wingdings font works as expected in other programs, such as MS word. It doesn't work in NWC; or, rather, it gives unexpected results (wrong characters) for the circled numbers, which are the parts of the font I need. The circled numbers are not characters that can be input in TNR or similar fonts and then simply converted to the Wingdings font, because they have no equivalents in the standard character set. For other input alternatives, I've tried (a) copying the circled numbers from Wingdings using the Windows Character Map; (b) feeding the numbers in using ALT-keypad, first converting the key code given in Character Map from hex to dec; and (c) doing the same thing without converting (I didn't expect that one to work, but nothing else had). Am I missing something obvious?

It's not critical, because Combinumerals works just fine, but I'm curious.


Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #12
See Attachment. Webdings 2 might be the better choice for XP (not a standard Win9x font). It uses "ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~". You are right about XP's CharMap and Webdings. I had to use Alt+0128 thru Alt+0149. Hard to imagine how M$ could take a brain damaged program like 16-bit CharMap and make even more useless, but they did. Only they have this kind of talent.
Registered user since 1996


Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #13
Thanks, Rick - that works. It also shows what I was doing wrong. I was using the Windows calculator to convert the hex numbers to dec, but I did it backward. Should have realized what was happening when the dec number came out smaller than the hex (duh...) but it's a long time since my programming days.



Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #14
G'day Bill,
It's not critical, <snip>, but I'm curious.

I'm curious too...  I've just tested the characters in question from Wingdings and it works fine for me in both NWC1.75c and NWC2 beta 2.21...

I don't, as a rule, use charmap, preferring Typecase instead.  This is what I used to access the characters, though I can't see that it makes any difference, and they display fine...

I wonder, what did display when you tried to use these characters?

Being a fault finder by trade...  Is it possible that you managed to select the wrong user font when entering the characters, or forgot to change from the default?  'Tis an easy oversight that I've made, oohhh, at least twice ;)

<edit> looks like you posted while I was typing - oh well...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #15
I wonder, what did display when you tried to use these characters?
When I copied the first line from CharMap or WordPad into NWC1, I got the second line.
If you use Alt+0nnn in NWC, there is no problem. It copies and pastes within NWC just fine. I can copy it to NotePad and back. Seems similar to the problem <here>.

Registered user since 1996

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #16
Ahh, thanks Rick...,

m$ strikes again :(
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: font with circled numbers?

Reply #17
I'd say that this problem of pasting symbol fonts copied from WordPad is Windows, not NWC's.
The same problem exists in copying from WordPad to NotePad! Win98's CharMap seems to work fine.

Bizzarely, if you copy the chars in reply #1 to WordPad, Select All and the change the font to a non-symbolic font like Arial, the copy is correct into both NotePad and NWC. I tried this in both XP and '98.

This problem affects all symbolic fonts: Webdings, Symbol, Marlett, NWC2STDA. I'm surprised it wasn't noticed before now. The only NWC2STDA characters affected by this are the flags.
Registered user since 1996