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Topic: Object for general note range instructions? (Read 4927 times) previous topic - next topic

Object for general note range instructions?

Mike, since you did a wonderful work with ottavamatic, why not create a similar object for events like the one in the image?

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #1
You'll have to tell me what this actually is. Is it just performance information for a range of notes?

In theory, you could use the Ottavamatic object to do this; you could change the text displayed for one of the octave shifts, and then put it on a layered staff with hidden rests or muted notes.


Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #2
Is it just performance information for a range of notes?
Yes. In the specific case: p.d.l.t. = près de la table.
In theory, you could use the Ottavamatic object to do this; you could change the text displayed for one of the octave shifts, and then put it on a layered staff with hidden rests or muted notes.
Yes, but it's a bit complicated and suboptimal. You forgot the line is dashed.  :D

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #3
Yes, but it's a bit complicated and suboptimal. You forgot the line is dashed.  :D
I'm not sure I follow. In your example, the line is dashed, and the Ottavamatic line is also dashed.

Anyway, I won't disagree that a separate layer & fake instrument changes are a bit less than optimal. :) I'd not seen this type of notation before, so I don't know what the "rules" are for its usage. It wouldn't be that difficult to create a standalone object that you insert at some point on the staff & tell it how many notes to span, that has the same general appearance as an 8va mark. (But you would need to take care of the staff wrapping yourself.)

I googled "près de la table" and the examples I saw used a solid line, unlike your clip. I suppose if I created an object for this, I could allow the line type to be specified.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #4
But you would need to take care of the staff wrapping yourself.
With the exception of Melismatic.nw, this is a problem with all objects that might span a barline. IMO, a general solution is badly needed.

My thoughts on the subject are that such objects will need to have an ID. A bar object (yet to be written) is needed to list what var(s) in what ID'ed object(s) need to change if the system breaks at that bar.

Not an easy task ...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #5
A plugin based feature that needs to visually span bar lines/systems has two techniques that can be used to fully implement this:

  • Use two objects, with special handling of cases for one or the other not in the current system
  • Use the StaffSig class to draw in target systems beyond its home system (indicated by isAutoInsert)

Some additional examples of these techniques can also be seen in BarCounter.nw, PageTxtMaestro.nw, and TabStaff.nw.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #6
the line is dashed, and the Ottavamatic line is also dashed.
Gosh! I was using an orchestral score so the zoom level was low and I saw the line as continuous. Sorry.  :-[
I'd not seen this type of notation before,
Really? I saw it so many times and for many different instruments.
II don't know what the "rules" are for its usage.
To say the truth: as is often the case for me, I can't quote any reference. I simply saw it and found it straghtforward to understand.
It wouldn't be that difficult to create a standalone object that you insert at some point on the staff & tell it how many notes to span,
Well, I was thinking about a simple modification to (a clone of) the ottavamatic object so that you put an object where you want the line to start and another where the line must end. And the staff wrapping would be handled exactly like the 8va mark.
Of course a clash of the two lines is not the best but I think I can live with it.  ;)

The whole thing looked so simple that, if I had a bit of time to study lua, I almost planned to do it myself.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #7
Indeed it was so easy to find another example...

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #8
Well, I was thinking about a simple modification to (a clone of) the ottavamatic object so that you put an object where you want the line to start and another where the line must end. And the staff wrapping would be handled exactly like the 8va mark.
Of course a clash of the two lines is not the best but I think I can live with it.  ;)
You are correct that much of the logic would be the same as Ottavamatic, but there are a few important differences. As you probably know, you only need to place a single Ottavamatic at the start of a staff, and it seeks out instrument changes to determine when to start and end each marking. For this new object, you would probably want to place the object itself at the start of the section to be marked, and either use a Span count to indicate the number of notes to be covered, or use another object at the end, as you suggested.

I'll continue to look at doing this, if someone else does not beat me to it.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #9
Thank you Mike, even just for taking the time to consider it.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #10
A LineSpan.nw object plugin will be available soon. It will handle this scenario.

Re: Object for general note range instructions?

Reply #11