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Topic: More Flow Direction stuff... (Read 4569 times) previous topic - next topic

More Flow Direction stuff...

I'm back groveling for help... I'm having trouble doing what I want with the attached file.  Specifically, the 2nd ending (which is closed) at measure 25 works just fine with the DS al Segno.  But the 2nd time it gets back to that measure I want it to jump ahead to the open 3rd ending.  I'm sure there is a simple answer but I'm having cranial flatulence here.  Can someone help?

Re: More Flow Direction stuff...

Reply #2
Actually, I posted the wrong file.  Please accept my apologies.  The file I intended to post isn't even showing up in my song folder.  More hoops to jump through now.  I'll post the right file when I find it.  Sorry again.

Re: More Flow Direction stuff...

Reply #4
The Coda signs before measure 25, just before the 2nd ending, are the reason why it gets back to that measure. You should remove them.
The Coda's before measure 26 are OK,  but you also have to remove the 3rd ending.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Re: More Flow Direction stuff...

Reply #6
YES!  That's it.  Thank you Rich!

Re: More Flow Direction stuff...

Reply #7
And thank you too Opagust.

Re: More Flow Direction stuff...

Reply #8
The Coda signs before measure 25, just before the 2nd ending, are the reason why it gets back to that measure. You should remove them.
The Coda's before measure 26 are OK,  but you also have to remove the 3rd ending.
Unless you just want it for visual effect, two Coda locations in the same song is always wrong. There is no 'Goto Coda 2' in NoteWorthy, and no amount of creative Flow nesting will change that.
Registered user since 1996