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Topic: text position (Read 3898 times) previous topic - next topic

text position

I'm new to User Tools.  I'm thrilled to find "Transpose Chords" tool, which transposes all my text chord names.  But sometimes when I transpose a song, I need all the chord names to move 1 or 2 positions higher or lower.  Before I reinvent the wheel, does a user tool exist that would let me input the position I'd like the chord names to end up in?

Re: text position

Reply #1
Yup, I use the one called "Global_Mod" to do this all the time.

In the Group ".Starter Tools" you will find "Global Modification (adp)".
If you run this tool you'll get a dialogue box that asks you to "Enter your global modification expression:" and there will be a default "help" highlighted in the box.

Change this to:
Text,Font==font_name Pos+=2
Where font_name is the font you're using (as shown in the Name column of the Fonts tab of the page setup dialogue) - I always set "SwingChord" as User6 so for me the expression would be:
Text,Font==User6 Pos+=2
The Pos+=2 will move every instance UP 2 positions.

You could use other numbers instead of 2 if you want.  Also, Pos=-2 will move them DOWN 2 positions.  Or you could use, say, Pos=14 to set ALL of them to Pos 14

NOTE there is a space between the font name and the "Pos" directive - these commands are case sensitive too.

For more information on using user tools see my guide:

Also see:
for other user tools and their instructions.  This section hasn't seen much change for a while as most user tools etc are revealed in the "User Tools" section of the "Tips & Tricks" main forum these days:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: text position

Reply #2
What Lawrie said, plus this: if you don't want to have to work out the proper command syntax, use GlobalMod.og instead. It'll walk you through designing the command using a set of easily-understood queries.

Re: text position

Reply #3
... or use the filtered properties.

Re: text position

Reply #4
THANK YOU!  I saw the Global Modification and thought that was my answer, but could never get the syntax right.  Got it now!  Thanks so much, guys!

Re: text position

Reply #5
By the way, where would I find the GlobalMod.og?

Re: text position

Reply #8
Interesting. My copy of it is named GlobalMod.og. Opagust....?
Actually, I guess we are both right. The forum post has "GlobMod.og" in the title, but the attached file is named "GlobalMod.og".  Unfortunately, when you do a forum search on "GlobalMod.og", the only hits you get are you & I arguing about the name :)   The search function doesn't find the attached file name.

Perhaps @Opagust should edit the forum post title so its name agrees with the attachment, in case other people are trying to find it in the future.