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Topic: (un)mute extreme notes (Read 5865 times) previous topic - next topic

(un)mute extreme notes

I created two Staff User Tools to (un)mute extreme notes - or chords with extreme notes - in the active staff.

A parameter (default = 10) is used to define which notes/chords may be changed : only objects  are affected when they have notes N or more positions away from the middle staff line.

With N = 0 all notes/chords can be muted or unmuted in the active staff.

To define the usertools in NWC, you first have to create references in NWC following these instructions:
  • copy the lua files in a folder on your own computer and memorize the location
  • in NoteWorthyComposer, with a score open, go to menu Tools \ User Tools
  • click on the NEW button
  • Fill out the information as in the example in the attached image: user_tool_description.png
  • Group and Name can be chosen freely
  • Command should point to the lua-file (memorized location)
  • Be sure to select File Text as Input Type
  • Be sure to select Returns File Text as Option

To Run a usertool (when already defined in NWC):
  • in NoteWorthyComposer, with a score open, go to menu Tools \ User Tools
  • navigate to the usertool by selecting the correct item in Group and Available Commands
  • click on the RUN button
  • change or use the default value (N) (see attached file user_prompt.png)
  • click OK
  • Since the unmute script can undo the mute script and vice versa, the "Save Recommendation" may be denied


Re: (un)mute extreme notes

Reply #1
Thanks Bart,

Tried and tested. This works really well and saves so much effort when trying to configure cross staff notes.
I wish it had been available before I transposed Schubert's  Schwanengesang - Abschied. A substantial amount of effort in terms of individual muting of cross staff notes taking up more time than I care to remember, would have been reduced to a few seconds running your new user tool.

I suspect that before I have finished with transposing the Schubert Lieder, I will have great need for this again.


Re: (un)mute extreme notes

Reply #2
... saves so much effort when trying to configure cross staff notes.
Ha - I did not think of this use of the tool: I like this idea. I have to check how to use it with the Beam object in a useful workflow.
